history and criticism

By Alvaro Seica, 9 February, 2018
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
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Abstract (in English)

The digital age has had a profound impact on literary culture, with new technologies opening up opportunities for new forms of literary art from hyperfiction to multi-media poetry and narrative-driven games. Bringing together leading scholars and artists from across the world, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature is the first authoritative reference handbook to the field.Crossing disciplinary boundaries, this book explores the foundational theories of the field, contemporary artistic practices, debates and controversies surrounding such key concepts as canonicity, world systems, narrative and the digital humanities, and historical developments and new media contexts of contemporary electronic literature. Including guides to major publications in the field, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature is an essential resource for scholars of contemporary culture in the digital era.

(Source: Publisher's description)

By Alvaro Seica, 22 September, 2016
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Librarian status
Approved by librarian
Abstract (in English)

This book offers a decoder for some of the new forms of poetry enabled by digital technology. Examining many of the strange technological vectors converging on language, it proposes a poetics appropriate to the digital era while connecting digital poetry to traditional poetry’s concerns with being (a.k.a. ontological implications). Digital poetry, in this context, is not simply a descendent of the book. Digital poems are not necessarily “poems” or written by “poets”; they are found in ads, conceptual art, interactive displays, performative projects, games, or apps. Poetic tools include algorithms, browsers, social media, and data. Code blossoms into poetic objects and poetic proto-organisms. Introducing the terms TAVs (Textual-Audio-Visuals) and TAVITS (Textual-Audio-Visual-Interactive), Aesthetic Animism theorizes a relation between scientific method and literary analysis; considers the temporal implications of animation software; and links software studies to creative writing. Above all it introduces many examples of digital poetry within a playful yet considered flexible taxonomy. In the future imagined here, digital poets program, sculpt, and nourish immense immersive interfaces of semi-autonomous word ecosystems. Poetry, enhanced by code and animated by sensors, reengages themes active at the origin of poetry: animism, agency, consciousness. Digital poetry will be perceived as living, because it is living. (Source: The MIT Press)

Pull Quotes

Consider this book a semipopulist decoder for some of the new forms of poetry emerging. (2016: 1)

Creative Works referenced
Critical Writing referenced
By Elisabeth Nesheim, 9 August, 2012
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Ever since computers have been programmed, people have programmed them together. From almost the first days of programming, people have also programmed them unofficially, for fun, to create literary and artistic works, games, and technically impressive feats that suggest new directions for computing.

This paper look into how programmers have worked together in the area of creative computing, and provide a brief discussion of three types of creative programming practices.
