electronic music

Event type
Individual Organizers

Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória

Short description

This  exhibit  acknowledges  the  wide  range  of  community  practices  converging  and  sharing  reflections,  tools  and  processes  with  electronic  literature,  as  they challenge  its  ontological  status.  Implying  an  existing  set  of  relationships,  communities, such as those represented in this exhibit - the Artists’ Books, ASCII Art, net  Art,  Hacktivism/Activism,  Performance  Art,  Copy  Art,  Experimental  Poetry,  Electronic Music, Sound Art, Gaming, and Visual Arts communities - share a common aesthetic standpoint and methods; but they are also part of the extremely multiple  and  large  community  of  electronic  literature.  Our  aim  is  to  figure  out  the nature and purposes of this dialogue, apprehending, at the same time, their fundamental contributions to electronic literature itself.

Communities: Signs, Actions, Codes is articulated in three nuclei: Visual and Graphic Communities; Performing Communities; and Coding Communities. Each nucleus is porous, given that some works could be featured in several nuclei. Because it is necessary to negotiate the time-frame, locations, situations and genealogies of electronic literature, this collection of works expands the field’s approaches by proposing a critical use of language and code — either understood as computational codes, bibliographical signs, or performative actions. Therefore, the exhibit adopts both diachronic and synchronic perspectives, presenting works from the 1980s  onwards,  and  showing  the  diversity  of  art  communities  working  in  nearby  fields  which,  at  close-range,  enrich  the  community/ies  of  electronic(s)  literature(s),  either  in  predictable  or  unexpected  ways.  Distributed  authorship  and co-participant audience are key in this exhibit.

(Source: Book of Abstracts and Catalogs)

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Description (in English)

Created by babel and 391.org, Animalamina, a collaboratively constructed work of multimedia poetry for children, consists of 26 pages of flash-based poetry organized around the letters of the alphabet.  The key aim of this project is to introduce a younger audience (5 - 11) to a variety of styles of digital poetry, animation and interaction, through the familiar format of an animal A-Z.  As the project’s “background” page notes, this work is situated within a tradition alphabet primers that stretches back over 500 years.  This background is noteworthy precisely because of the tradition’s combination of pedagogy and play, instructing new generations in the mechanics of emerging techniques and technologies.  Specific innovations introduced in this recent ABC are animation, audio, interactive content, non-linearity and chance.  

The poems are hidden in 26 interconnected scenes which are revealed through various types of animated, visual and generative poetry, and game-type interaction. Each scene represents a specific animal/poem, and is revealed by interaction within the scene. Each scene has been designed to be different from the others in the style of narration, illustration and interaction, to create a series of unique environments that are exciting to traverse and uncover. There are two styles of play: in the 'game' version, the reader chooses their own path through the scenes, and progress into new scenes is rewarded by the corresponding letter at the bottom and the ability to jump back to that scene at choice. In the 'teaching' version, all the animals are accessible from the start with the cheat button (the ladybird/ladybug at the right hand side of the starting Alligator scene).

Animalamina is eclectic in feel and operation, incorporating paintings, photography, drawings, three-dimensional renderings, and mixed-media images as well as offering many different ways to read, interpret and interact.   All in all, this contemporary take on a centuries old literary form offers many surprises, reaffirming the interdependence of human expression and innovation, and offering delightful lessons for children young and old.

(Source: Electronic Literature Directory entry by Scott Rettberg and Davin Heckman)