SMS Literature

By Shanmuga Priya, 6 April, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

Cell phone is one of the most popular and portable of almost all the modern electronic gadgets used in the modern world, especially by young men and women. A cell phone nowadays has become a multi-purpose household electronic device since its utility has been highly increasing day by day, for speaking and chatting, for sending and receiving messages, as a camera, as a storehouse of a number of valuable information, as a music player and recorder (voice recorder too), as an FM radio, as a calculator, as a modem for internet connection and internet surfing, as a medium for advertisement, even as a medium for conducting bank transactions, as a mini-projector and so on. Recently it has become the latest form of entertainment, in providing novels for readers through its screen which has been called by various names such as cell phone novel, mobile phone novel, text messaging novel, m-novel, m-lit, cell literature, phone novel, and even as SMS novel.

(source: Introduction of Cell Phone Novel A New Genre of Literature)

By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
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Abstract (in English)

In this interview Domenico Chiappe describes his works of both electronic literature and print literature published between the years 2000-2012. He gives insight into the interesting collaborative work for the work of electronic literature and ponders about the difference of the two forms of expressions: the printed book and new media. His then articulates discourse about the language of new media taking in account the SMS Literature and his concept of hiperphonia. On regard of the new possibilities provided by new media technology, he maintains that there should be a certain balance and harmony of the audio-visual effects and the written texts.

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Description (in original language)

Das erste SMS Literatur-Projekt in der Geschichte der Mobilfunk-Kommunikation. Mit: Ulrich Bauer-Staeb, Karl Bruckmaier, Ulrike Draesner, Markus Epha, Costas Gianacacos, Florian Hammerl, Katja Huber, Gisela Müller, Andreas Neumeister, Fabienne Pakleppa, Thomas Palzer, Nancy du Plessis, Carl-Ludwig Reichert, Zé do Rock, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Franz-Maria Sonner. Künstlerische Leitung: Horst Konietzny, Gisela Müller Erstmals in der Geschichte der Mobilfunk-Kommunikation wurde mit "SMServices" das literarische Potential des ShortMessage-Formats erkundet. Vier Wochen lang ließen sich im Juni 2000 eine Anzahl deutschsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren auf die unmittelbare Rückkopplung mit ihren Lesern ein. Zu bestimmten Zeiten schickten sie auf Anforderung Textbotschaften im SMS-Format. Die Texte konnten 'worldwide' und im Rahmen einer Ausstellung gelesen werden. Aus einem Geflecht von Short Messages enstand ein literarisches Bezugssystem zwischen Schreibenden und Lesenden. Die von den AutorInnen abgesendeten Zeilen konnten unmittelbar in der Rathausgalerie per Videopreojektion gelesen werden. Auf der Webpage des Projekts wurden die Texte automatisch nach Absender geordnet abgelegt. In der Abfolge und im möglichen Zusammenspiel der Texte ergibt sich so ein literarischer Zustands- und Bewegungsbericht, in dem Besucher surfen und schmökern können.

Description in original language