image as text

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Description (in English)

Life 2.0 is a playable version of a poem originally printed in Ole-Petter Arneberg's collection of short prose, MEPÅNO, which was published by Flamme forlag. The playable version of the piece allows the player/reader to "play" at living by using keyboard commands similar to that on a game controller, where each of the key combinations causes a word to appear in the background of the screen as it is simultaneously read aloud. The content of this "life 2.0" is very bare, centering on basic needs: primarily sex, food, drink and sleep.

Description (in original language)

Life 2.0 er en spillbar versjon av kortprosateksten ved samme navn som opprinnelig ble utgitt i Arnebergs samling MEPÅNO. Livet fremstilles som en rekke funksjoner som aktivers gjennom et spillkonsoll-lignende grensesnitt. Spilleren/leseren trykker bokstaver og bokstavkombinasjoner på tastaturet som gjør at ord (KÅT - SULTEN - SULTEN - NOK) leses opp med en matt stemme og samtidig vises i bakgrunnen av skjermbildet. Livet i 2.0 versjon fremstilles som meget begrenset - kanskje som et dataspill? - og sentrerer seg rundt grunnleggende behov som mat, drikke, søvn og sex.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Screenshot of main page of Life 2.0
Description (in English)

Urban Fragments is an interactive website that functions as a repository for ideas about the city and how the urban experience can be translated into an online experience. From the opening users can peruse numerous avenues each accessible through a different vertical fragment pictured on the home page. Animations, processing sketches and images are gathered together within the site and open in individual pop up windows creating random juxtapositions and eventually chaos on the screen.

Screen shots