Norwegian (Bokmål)

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Description (in English)

Daily 140 character short stories posted to Twitter from 2011-2013.

Description (in original language)

Hver dag fra 2011-2013 posted Frode Grytten svært korte noveller på 140 tegn til Twitter. Ofte brukes journalistiske konvensjoner, som å angi alder på personene i parantes, og nesten alltid er tematikken trist.

Description in original language
Pull Quotes

Mann (20) tel over sovetablettane, trur han har for få og går over til naboen for å låne. Komme inn? spør naboen. Ok, seier han, fem minutt.

Håplaust å stå opp. Før var det jobb. Så ungar. Måtte opp. Måtte. No er ho pensjonist og nyforelska. Senga full av kyss. Håplaust å stå opp.

Torsdagar shoppar alltid einsam mann (44) gåver til imaginær kjæraste, då kjem han i det minste nær kvinnene i parfymeria og klesbutikkane.

Screen shots
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Description (in English)

Rush is a hyper-narrative consisting of text, image and animation. The text moves across the screen slowly. At certain intervals the reader has to make a choice that has consequences for the story that follows. The hypertext and the reader's choices are also visualised for the read in a map. The hypertextual narrative demonstrates the seriousness in the reader's choices. And as the reader will understand, there is never a "second chance".

Description (in original language)

Rush er en hyperfortelling bestående av skrift, bilde og animasjon. Skriften beveger seg over skjermen i et rolig tempo. Ved visse intervaller må leseren ta et valg som får konsekvenser for det videre handlingsforløpet. Samtidig er hyperteksten og de ulike veivalgene som leseren må ta, visualisert for leseren gjennom et kart. Hyperfortellingen viser fram det alvorlige og forpliktende ved de valgene leseren må ta. Og som leseren vil forstå, er det aldri noen ”second chance”

Description in original language
Screen shots
Contributors note

Programming: Novelty/Hege Vadsten, Paul Brady

Description (in English)

In the film ”when” Ottar Ormstad is transferring his practice as concrete poet to the realm of a programmable networked space, blending his poetry with specially composed modern music with electronic elements. His b/w photographs developed in the darkroom are presented in combination with words in different languages, some of them exceeded into ”letter-carpets”. Some sentences are from well known songs or films, other letter-combinations are invented by the author.

The film is telling a story about life and death, basically from the standpoint of cars, rotten in a field in Sweden. The narrative is very open, and each viewer may experience the film very differently. This is also dependent upon the language background, any translation is – intentionally – not given.

when has been screened at festivals for experimental short film, so far in France, Romania, Russia and Norway.

Screen shots
Technical notes

Produced in HD 16:9 (FinalCutPro), 07:00 min.

B/w photographs shot on Kodak Tri-X with two Minolta SRT 101 cameras with original Rokkor lenses.

Contributors note

Animation (Ina Pillat) and music (Jens Petter Nilsen and Hallvard W. Hagen from Xploding Plastix) in close collaboration with the artist.

Description (in English)

Katastrofetrilogien is a trilogy centered on themes of how stories of historic disasters impact contemporary conversations and relationships. Collaboratively and organically constructed, these three films call upon histories of deadly volcanic ash, great floods, and the plague to tell stories of present day longing, anxiety, and environmental change.

"The Last Volcano / Det siste utbruddet"A story of a catastrophic volcanic eruption and its aftermath is retold by a woman to a man before the slowly turning image of contemporary urban landscape. Though the story seems to reference events of the distant past, its setting and telling raise anxieties related to cycles of memory and forgetting.

Direction: Roderick CooverWriting: Scott Rettberg Translation by: Daniel Apollon, Gro Jørstad Nilsen, and Jill Walker RettbergVoices: Gro Jørstad Nilsen and Jan Arild Breistein

"Cats and Rats / Rotter og katter"A blind date between an American epidemiologist and a Norwegian woman takes place on a transatlantic Skype call. In trying to impress his potential paramour, the American steers the conversation terribly wrong, toward a discussion of the Plague and all the devastating historical memories it entails.

Direction: Roderick CooverWriting: Scott Rettberg Translation by: Jill Walker Rettberg,Voices: Jill Walker Rettberg and Rob Wittig

"Norwegian Tsunami/ Norsk flodbølge"During a cigarette break on an oil platform in the North sea, a Scottish geologist and a Norwegian chef consider a certain strangeness in the waves, their changing spirits, and the last time a tsunami devastated the nearby shores.

Direction: Roderick CooverWriting: Scott Rettberg Translation by: Scott Rettberg and Jill Walker Rettberg,Voices: Gillian Carson and Kristian A. Bjørkelo