
Description (in English)

"On October 1st 2015, ten people were shot and killed at UMPQUA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in Roseburg, Oregon. The University of Washington where I work is located near the slaughter, enough for the medias to consider the event as local and send journalists on the site. It was definitely close enough for me to think: "But what if...".

Nick Wing wrote in The Huffington Post that the Umpqua Shooting was the 45th school shooting this year as well as the 142nd taking place since the slaughter at SANDY HOOK ELEMENTARY in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012.

Several of these shootings were considered as mass killing, wich means, according to the FBI, a shooting involving at least four victims or more exculing the perpetrator. Many people died in our schools.

The Umpqua shooting made me react to that. What could I do to pay respect to the victims of Rosenburg in Oregon? What could I do to pay respect to the those across the whole country? I thought that by pronouncing all these names, we could remember the victims, confirm their existence and in the end, keep them from being forgotten."

(Source: bleuOrange :

Description (in original language)

"Le 1er octobre 2015, dix personnes ont été tuées par balle au Umpqua Community College à Roseburg en Oregon. l’université de l’état de Washington où j’enseigne se situe assez près de la scène du massacre pour que les médias traitent la nouvelle comme étant locale et envoient des journalistes sur les lieux. C’était définitivement assez près de la scène pour que je pense: «et si…».

La fusillade de Umpqua, écrit Nick Wing dans The Huffington Post, a été la 45e fusillade de l’année s’étant produite dans un établissement scolaire, ainsi que la 142e ayant eu lieu depuis la tuerie de la Sandy Hook Elementary School à Newtown au Connecticut en décembre 2012.

Plusieurs de ces fusillades ont été qualifiées de mass killing, qui se définit par le FBI comme un massacre par arme à feu comprenant quatre victimes ou plus excluant l’auteur de la tuerie. Beaucoup de personnes sont mortes dans nos écoles.

La fusillade de Umpqua m’a fait réagir. Que pouvais-je faire pour honorer les victimes de Roseburg en Oregon, que pouvais-je faire pour honorer celles du pays en entier? J’ai pensé qu’en prononçant tous ces noms, nous pourrons nous souvenir des victimes, nous pourrons confirmer leur existence et nous pourrons finalement préserver leur mémoire de l’oubli."

Description in original language
Screen shots
Technical notes

Se souvenir des morts does not require any input from the spectator, it just requires him to listen while every name is pronounced by a text-to-speech device. It is important to notice that the text-do-speech orgram uses a french voice.

The names are randomized so every victim will come up in a different order every time the work is opened.

By Amirah Mahomed, 29 August, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

This speech is a response to the website, #Idéo2017, which collects, stores and analysis tweets on a variety of topics, such as, political events, social events, cultural events. Given that people consume most of their content on social media every day, it is of value to appreciate this content and the readers' reactions to this content. 

This site works in a way in which they are able to collect the data (tweets), store it so it is search, as well as display their findings in pCharts and graphics. They have designed their search tool as a hybrid system, combining the responses of the tweets of a real-time search to a synthesis of several tweets by aggregation of the information via facets and linguistic calculations of clustering or word clouds.

This platform gives elements of answer to the question of the sharing of meaning, through the constitution of corpus: by the aggregation and the automatic indexing of flows, the developed interface allows the uses of analysis the data, either through the lexicon used (words, associations of words, words and their derivatives, etc.), or according to the authors of the tweets issued.

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Cet article présente la plateforme #Idéo2017 (, qui répond au besoin sociétal d’une meilleure compréhension des événements sociaux, politiques, culturels. Les réseaux sociaux font de plus en plus partie du quotidien, notamment en ce qui concerne la « consommation » de l’information (Mercier, 2014). Le service de microblogging Twitter peut être considéré comme un indicateur pour connaître les réactions de ses utilisateurs sur des sujets sociaux (Longhi et Saigh, 2016 à sur la réforme du statut des intermittents), politiques (Longhi, 2014 ; Conover et al., 2011), économiques, etc. Par conséquent, on peut utiliser ces données textuelles pour extraire les émotions, les sentiments, les opinions, des utilisateurs (Kristen et Dan, 2016). Si des travaux universitaires ou industriels existent, les résultats sont difficilement accessibles pour les citoyens intéressés par ce thème. Il existe en parallèle certaines analyses présentées actuellement aux citoyens, mais elles sont déjà agrégées par les médias, médiées par des spécialistes, ou présentent des méthodologies et traitements relativement simples. La méthodologie de la plateforme #Idéo2017 est la suivante: - récupération des tweets sera faite via l’API Twitter puis stockage dans une base de données NoSql MongoDB; - utilisation d'Elasticsearch pour stocker les données (Kononenko et al., 2014) : cela permet d’améliorer le temps de réponse de notre outil surtout lors de l’utilisation du moteur de recherche; - pour la partie d’analyse linguistique et la visualisation des réseaux lexicaux, sémantiques, thématiques, nous utilisons certaines fonctionnalités du logiciel Iramuteq implémentées en PHP et disponibles en open source. Pour la réalisation de certaines analyses dans notre outil, nous apportons des modifications à l’implémentation d’Iramuteq; - nous utilisons également PHP Word Cloud pour un nuage de mots et pChart ainsi que Kibana pour des graphiques permettant de visualiser les interactions dans les communautés, les évolutions temporelles, etc En particulier, le moteur de recherche que nous développons a pour but de proposer à l’utilisateur des recherches intelligentes à facettes sur la totalité des tweets. Afin de nous différencier du moteur de recherche présent sur l’interface de Twitter, nous avons conçu notre outil de recherche comme un système hybride, associant les réponses des tweets d'une recherche en temps réel à une synthèse de plusieurs tweets par agrégation de l'information via les facettes et les calculs linguistiques de clustering ou de nuages de mots. Cette plateforme donne des éléments de réponse à la question du partage de sens, par le biais de la constitution de corpus: par l'agrégation et l'indexation automatique de flux, l'interface développée permet aux usages d'analyse les données, soit à travers le lexique employé (mots, associations de mots, mots et leurs dérivés, etc.), soit en fonction des auteurs des tweets émis.


(Source: ELO 2018 Lire et comprendre la littérature électronique I panel, speech Corpus et interfaces: comment penser le partage du sens)

Pull Quotes

Cette plateforme donne des éléments de réponse à la question du partage de sens

By Scott Rettberg, 29 August, 2018
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Kac's work, entitled Inner Telescope, was specifically conceived for zero gravity and was not brought from Earth: it was made in space by Thomas Pesquet (French astronaut) following the artist's instructions.

The artwork was made from materials already available in the space station. It consists of a form that has neither top nor bottom, neither front nor back. Viewed from a certain angle, it reveals the French word “MOI“ [meaning “me”, or "myself"]; from another point of view one sees a human figure with its umbilical cord cut. This “MOI“ stands for the collective self, evoking humanity, and the umbilical cord cut represents our liberation from gravitational limits.

Inner Telescope is an instrument of observation and poetic reflection, which leads us to rethink our relationship with the world and our position in the Universe.

Remote video URL
Audio file
Creative Works referenced
Description (in English)

YELLOWFLOWERPOWER (2017) is the fifth film by Norwegian concrete poet Ottar Ormstad. Here again viewers encounter letter-carpets and a yellow y he identifies with. The work is based on slogans and song-titles from different countries at the end of the Sixties, presented in their original language, intentionally without translation.The texts are combined with photographs of sculptures from the Vigeland Park in Oslo/Norway, where Ormstad lives and shot the naked people exposed in stone and iron by sculptor Gustav Vigeland (1869–1943). This park is the largest in the world based on one artist and contains more than 200 works.The film also includes live video-footage of Charles Lloyd playing saxophone in front of a huge painting by Norwegian expressionist painter Edvard Munch (friend/enemy of Vigeland), as well as an unpublished photo of the young Mick Jagger, both shot in Oslo by Ormstad.Like in earlier works, Ormstad uses a strong sound in the very start for creating a period of silence at the beginning of the film.The animation is created in close collaboration between artist Margarida Paiva and Ormstad.YELLOWFLOWERPOWER invites viewers for an individual experience dependant upon the viewer's language background and tolerance towards non-translation.

Video HD 16:9, duration: 07:17Animation: Margarida PaivaSound: Hallvard W Hagen & Jens P NilsenConcrete poetry, cameras, piano and production by director Ottar Ormstad© Ottar Ormstad 2017

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Remote video URL
Content type
Public Domain
Record Status
Description (in English)

One of the first works of interactive fiction made by a female designer, La femme qui ne supportait pas les ordinateurs is an examination of sexual harassments in cyberculture. The game, written by Chine Lanzmann and coded by Jean-Louis Le Breton, allows the player to impersonate a woman who has to face numerous seducers. Interestingly, one of the sexual predators is a computer. The game is stylized upon a chat on Minitel, where the player is asked several questions. She can type only two answers: "yes" or "no", which influence the outcome of the game. However, the more the player becomes involved in the simulated chat, the lesser the chance to avoid one of the six endings, all of them negative.

Description (in original language)

L'une des premières œuvres de fiction interactive réalisée par une créatrice, La femme qui ne supportait pas les ordinateurs, est un examen des harcèlements sexuels dans la cyberculture. Le jeu, écrit par Chine Lanzmann et codé par Jean-Louis Le Breton, permet au joueur de se faire passer pour une femme qui doit faire face à de nombreux séducteurs. Fait intéressant, l'un des prédateurs sexuels est un ordinateur. Le jeu est stylisé sur un chat sur Minitel, où plusieurs questions sont posées au joueur. Elle ne peut taper que deux réponses : "oui" ou "non", qui influencent le résultat du jeu. Cependant, plus le joueur s'implique dans le chat simulé, moins il a de chances d'éviter l'une des six fins, toutes négatives.

Description in original language
Pull Quotes

Dites-moi quel est votre charmant prénom...

Plus romantique que Chipette, vous mourrez sur le champ ! (et moi aussi !!!!!)

Oui. Oui. Hé hé hé. Oui. Hé hé. Oui.

Screen shots
A picture of a woman aiming at the computer with a gun. In the background, there is a man with a disquette..
Technical notes

Original work was created for Apple II computers.

Contributors note

Written by: Chine Lanzmann

Programmed by: Jean-Louis Le Breton

Description (in English)

As interactive writing and digital art are relatively emerging fields there remains considerable research areas to explore. One of the most pressing is the examination of how to re-think, translate and remake older creative works into new cultural and language contexts. This work was create for BleuOrange in Canada. And is an entirely new work loosely based Jason Nelson's This is How You Will Die generative fiction,  rethinking all aspects of the work in a French context.

Working with translators, Ariane Savoieand Lisa Tronca at BleuOrange in Quebec, the work developed new methods for rethinking and translating everything about a digital writing artwork. Specifically examining how the images, the motion, the interface, the animation, the sounds, and the interactivity, as well as the words, have to be re-created.  So once those models and methods were developed, an entirely new work was created, based loosely on This is How You Will Die, which comprised of re-combining 15 different stories through an interactive game engine, as well as numerous additional sections, graphic and audio work.

Pull Quotes

For the 'big win' we should read: 'Gros Lot For the "bonus wild" I know there is sound involve.. I don't know if we can switch it to French, but it should say: Bonus fou! 

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Description (in English)

2×6 consists of short “stanzories”—stanzas that are also stories, each one relating an encounter between two people. Appearing in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and Polish, the stanzories are generated by a similar underlying process, even as they do not correspond to one another the way a translation typically does to a source text. These sixfold verses are generated by six short computer programs, the code of which is also presented in full. These simple programs can endlessly churn out combinatorial lines that challenge to reader to determine to whom “she” and “he,” and “him” and “her,” refer, as well as which is the more powerful one, which the underdog. Generating 2×6 is a simple process, and readers are invited to study the programs and even modify them to make new sorts of text generators. Reading the output can be much more difficult, as the text that is produced crosses syntax with power relations and gender stereotypes, multiplying those complexities across six languages.

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Description (in English)

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. It is the fourth released game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe. World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard's previous Warcraft release, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.(Source: Wikipedia)

Pull Quotes

For the Alliance!

For the Horde!

Tempest Keep was merely a setback

Bear witness to the agent of your demise

Frostmourne hungers

Screen shots
World of Warcraft Stormheim Area (from Legion)
Remote video URL
Technical notes

This game is currently only accessible via the service and as such requires a account. To play the game, you need to buy at least the Battle Chest (includes the original version and all the expansions but the latest one) and pay for subscription.