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Description (in English)

The main character in the Book App 'Bitterveld' travels with the Berlin S-Bahn and U-Bahn to different World War II memorials and observes fellow travelers. How are the observations and Wold War II connected? The major World War II events happened a long time ago, but are still relevant today.

Description (in original language)

In de Book App Bitterveld reist de hoofdpersoon met de Berlijnse S-Bahn en U-Bahn naar de verschillende herdenkingsmonumenten van de stad en observeert de medereizigers. Welk verband is er tussen die observaties en de Tweede Wereldoorlog? De gebeurtenissen van toen lijken lang geleden, maar hebben wel degelijk met onze tijd te maken.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Contributors note

In de Book App Bitterveld reist de hoofdpersoon met de Berlijnse S-Bahn en U-Bahn naar de verschillende herdenkingsmonumenten van de stad en observeert de medereizigers. Welk verband is er tussen die observaties en de Tweede Wereldoorlog? De gebeurtenissen van toen lijken lang geleden, maar hebben wel degelijk met onze tijd te maken.

Description (in English)

Beginning with punch cards, an IBM1130 computer, FORTRAN, and space exploration in the late 1960’s, Arriving Simultaneously on Multiple Far-Flung Systems is a virtual reading machine, created/recreated with JavaScript in a HTML/CSS structure and read “on-the-fly”. With a complex array of randomly-generated texts, the work mirrors the life of Diana, an early aerospace information retrieval programmer, who later worked to bring community networking to rural and urban areas. The gap between the acceptance of women programmers who worked — not only during WWII but also in the decades after WII — and the current dominance of men in the field, is core to this narrative of one woman’s journey through an environment of changing technologies.

(Source ELO 2018.)

Pull Quotes

Everything was happening at once... "I spent last week at Langley", he said. FORTRAN, as the unforgettable manuals in my memory and the faded notes in my code workbook have memorialized "is a language that closely resembles the language of mathematics; it is designed primarily for scientific and engineering computations." The occasionally unfathomable behavior of the computer... The data in an automated library catalog does not create itself. Like a glass-enclosed gold and silver work of art, the satellite was housed in a clean room.

Screen shots
By Trung Tran, 24 October, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

Dave Ciccoricco returns to Stuart Moulthrop, considers Operation Enduring Freedom (2003) in light of Operation Desert Storm (1991), and consults the annals of World War II for a likely source of “Victory Garden,” the title of Moulthrop’s 1991 network fiction on the Gulf War.

Description (in English)

The Computer Wore Heels is an interactive book app for the iPad that shares the little known story of a group of female mathematicians, some as young as 18, who did secret ballistics research for the US Army during WWII. A handful of these human 'computers' went on to serve as the programmers of ENIAC, the first multi-purpose electronic computer. The app is based on the documentary film Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII (LeAnn Erickson 2010), and aims to bring this story to younger students in the hopes of giving today's teens role models that might encourage them to study math, science and computer science. The app's design resembles a girl's diary from the 1940's with the narrative unfolding as an adventure story. Readers may access primary research documents such as original WWII era letters, photographs and mathematical equations actually completed by the story's subjects. There are also numerous audio and video clips that expand on story plot points or events.

(source: Kid e-Lit booklet)