
By Malene Fonnes, 26 September, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

In this review Veronica Vold charts the posthuman environmental ethic in Stacy Alaimo’s Bodily Natures: Science, Environment, and the Material Self and notes how the text draws together issues of race, (dis)ability, and the environment in a way that disrupts the boundaries between bodies and places.

(source: http://electronicbookreview.com/thread/criticalecologies/bodily

By Malene Fonnes, 26 September, 2017
Publication Type
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CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
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Abstract (in English)

Beginning his review by reflecting on the book’s cover art, John Bruni speculates that a punk aesthetic runs throughout Alaimo’s posthuman environmentalism. Providing brief treatments of each chapter, he argues that the book’s trans-corporeal understanding of the relationship between bodies and places disrupts “the very heart of what we know about ourselves.”

(source: http://electronicbookreview.com/thread/criticalecologies/punk)

Description (in English)

The work describes a sushi dinner with friends. They talk about different foods and the text seems to question some food habits. The work is quite short, only 1 minute and 7 seconds. 

The work is part of Stop.Watch., an art project with short films that address ecological issues. (http://www.animateprojects.org/films/by_project/group_commissions/stop_watch)

Screen shots
Description (in English)

"Canyonlands" is a web-based, interactive project that blends text and video imagery on a vast, scrolling environment. Following in the footsteps of the novelist and essayist, Edward Abbey, users navigate paths through a desert landscape that is being overturned through dam-building, road-building, mining, and industrial tourism. The project combines maps, photos, archival films, original video, and many other elements on a scrolling, virtual landscape suggestive of the Colorado River, its canyon lands, and the deserts of Utah, Arizona and California. Users arrive in a desert American West in the 1950s. The work incorporates nonfiction materials in an artistic environment to offer an interdisciplinary blend of art, writing, and scholarship. Recorded in the deserts of Utah, Arizona and California.

(Source: Author's description in the Electronic Literature Directory)

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Screen shots