contributory participation

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A collectively written online anthology of stories about or set in New York City, including those written by participatory contributors as well as classic fiction. The project was one of the first to use a map-based interface to place stories in neighborhoods and specific street locations. Stories are also tagged for themes, enabling sub-anthologies within the project.

Screen shots
Map view of Mr. Beller's Neighborhood
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Description (in English)

Yellow Arrow began in 2004 as a street art project on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Since then, Yellow Arrow has grown to over 35 countries and 380 cities globally and become a way to experience and publish ideas and stories via text messaging on your mobile phone and interactive maps online.
Participants place uniquely-coded Yellow Arrow stickers to draw attention to different locations and objects - a favorite view of the city, an odd fire hydrant, the local bar. By sending an SMS from a mobile phone to the Yellow Arrow number beginning with the arrow's unique code, Yellow Arrow authors connect a story to the location where they place their sticker. Messages range from short poetic fragments to personal stories to game-like prompts to action. When another person encounters the Yellow Arrow, he or she sends its code to the Yellow Arrow number and immediately receives the message on their mobile phone. The website extends this location-based exchange, by allowing participants to annotate their arrows with photos and maps in the online gallery of Yellow Arrows placed throughout the world.

Description (in English)

SF0 is an alternate-reality game in which players are encouraged to complete surreal tasks from a variety of disciplines. Generally, these tasks are designed to in some way effect the real world. An example of a task: "Refuse to allow your celebrations and habits be bound by arbitrary turns of the celestial screw. Publicly do something out of season. Document the reactions of the timebound."

Screen shots
SFZero homepage