
Description (in English)

AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS is a web audio adventure about the meaning of death. It draws audio drama, audio tours and alternate reality gaming. The use of audio is an attempt to create a sense of unity in a highly fragmented experience. I see the techniques and experience of audio tours as a way to bring disparate elements together. Just as an audio tour involves guiding a listener to different places, this audio experience guides players to different websites. I include both custom and existing sites, and so this project continues my interest in pervasive design: where the players’ world is part of the fictional world. The story is born out of the pain of suddenly losing my mother, and facing the meaninglessness of my life. I got past heaviness of the subject matter by drawing on my early days in sketch comedy theatre, unifying the disparate times of my life.

(Source: ELO 2014 Conference)

Screen shots
Contributors note

Team: Christy Dena – writer, designer, producer, director Trevor Dikes – sound designer, composer Yangtian Li – illustrator Craig Peebles – app programmer (iPad) Andrey Ivanov – app programmer (Chrome browser plug-in) Elroy – app interface & logo Cast: Jimmy James Eaton – Narrator + Underworld Goon Alison Richards – Pathologist Nadia Collins – Assistant: Adam McKenzie – New Client Ben McKenzie – Ticket Officer + Philosopher Gambler Stefan Taylor – Philosopher Ex Richard McKenzie – Artist Assassin Tegan Higginbotham – Quantum Pizzeria Waitress Kevin J Powe – Quantum Boss + Philosopher Gambler (Source: )

By Maya Zalbidea, 10 March, 2014
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The aim of this manual is to provide students the transversal skills of a Philology student: writing, computer sciences and information. This objective was obtained in the Project of Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Quality (PIMCD
279/2007) funded by the Vicerrectorado de Desarrollo y Calidad de la

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Este manual que te presentamos cumple con uno de los objetivos
prioritarios de la Facultad de Filología: facilitar, a los que iniciáis estudios en
nuestra Facultad, el desarrollo de las destrezas transversales básicas para el
estudiante de Filología: escriturales, informáticas, informacionales. Este
objetivo se planteó y puso en marcha, hace un año, en el marco de un
Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad de la Docencia (PIMCD
279/2007) financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Desarrollo y Calidad de la

Organization referenced
By Scott Rettberg, 7 January, 2013
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

What is remixology? What is postproduction art (PP Art)? In this workshop, we will investigate a small selection of experimental literary texts, websites, music videos, and audio tracks that employ different remix strategies to develop new works of art. These remix artworks will trigger a more general discussion on the emergence of hybridized art forms that are growing out of a thriving interdisciplinary media arts scene. Media art forms that will make their way into the workshop mix include electronic literature, net art, digital video, and live A/V performance. Given our time limitations, the workshop will be targeted at introducing participants to the way contemporary media artists may turn to remix and/or postproduction methods to create unexpected works of art. Questions . . .Can you imagine remixing Gertrude Stein's "Tender Buttons" into a philosophical treatise on technicity and the loop and then using the treatise as a script for your spoken word performance in Second Life? Is it possible to sample from the spam email that finds its way into your inbox every day and use it as source material for a long narrative poem? Can one improvise a literary "cut-up" as part of a spontaneous creative act without the use of scissors? How can one create a video mashup of Situationist cinema? What exactly does a VJ [visual jockey] do and why are they getting paid every time they perform a live narrative remix of their theoretical tendencies? How can one appropriate and remix a selective set of literary and philosophical texts to create the subtitle track to their own feature-length film? Is your mobile phone your new writing instrument, one ideally positioned to enable your next live writing performance? Does excelling at the fine art of remixology enable you to expand your creative and critical research practice into an ongoing performance that manipulates ("remediates," "versions," "postproduces") a wide array of media genres and platforms?

Platform referenced