digital library

By Thor Baukhol Madsen, 17 February, 2015
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This twenty-minute paper builds toward the following provocation: it is no longer possible for a text not to be digital. Considering both existing and invented definitions of digital textuality, this paper frames (again!) various discussions of the nature of digital (and "electronic) texts, examining in digital texts their materialities and temporalities, their associated modes of composition and reception, their most evident differences from traditional texts, and their claims to both digital-ness and to textuality. Selecting key features from this analysis, I conclude that the digitalness of a text relates to the way in which it opens (and closes) certain possibilities of reading and other actions. Google's Book project, numerous digital library efforts, and even devices for digitizing business cards attest to the drive to make all texts digital. But, I suggest, even beyond these current events, we have come to understand the very idea of a text already in terms of its possibilities and thus as already digital or potentially digital. What room is left for another, non-digital notion of textuality to present itself?

(Source: Author's introduction)

By Maya Zalbidea, 10 March, 2014
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The aim of this manual is to provide students the transversal skills of a Philology student: writing, computer sciences and information. This objective was obtained in the Project of Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Quality (PIMCD
279/2007) funded by the Vicerrectorado de Desarrollo y Calidad de la

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Este manual que te presentamos cumple con uno de los objetivos
prioritarios de la Facultad de Filología: facilitar, a los que iniciáis estudios en
nuestra Facultad, el desarrollo de las destrezas transversales básicas para el
estudiante de Filología: escriturales, informáticas, informacionales. Este
objetivo se planteó y puso en marcha, hace un año, en el marco de un
Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad de la Docencia (PIMCD
279/2007) financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Desarrollo y Calidad de la

Organization referenced
By Patricia Tomaszek, 19 November, 2013
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Abstract (in original language)

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Jahrzehnte haben sich Techniken der Bibliotheksautomation herausgebildet, die zu einer Art 'Elektrifizierung' von Bibliotheksdiensten geführt haben. Im gleichen Zeitraum sind zuerst Internet- und später dann WWW-basierte Informationsdienste entstanden, die sich sehr rasch zu einer Art informatorischem Paralleluniversum entwickelt haben. Beide Paradigmen der Informationsorganisation haben sich eine Zeit lang voneinander unabhängig entwickelt. In dem Moment, wo sie systematischer miteinander in Kontakt gerieten, wurde die Metapher 'Digitale Bibliothek' gefunden, die für eine Übergangszeit insofern nützlich war, als sie eine zumindest rhetorische Versöhnung der beiden Welten möglich zu machen schien.

Das Ende dieser Übergangsperiode scheint nunmehr erreicht, und es ist mithin sinnvoll, die Metapher 'Digitale Bibliothek' zu hinterfragen und über Begriffsalternativen nachzudenken. Gedanklicher Ausgangspunkt ist dabei die Feststellung, dass die Metapher 'Digitale Bibliothek' eine Reihe elementar wichtiger Differenzen verwischt, wie etwa den Unterschied zwischen 'deskriptiven' Bibliotheks-Metadaten und 'identifizierenden' Metadaten im WWW oder die unterschiedliche Natur der Objekte, auf die solche Metadaten verweisen ('Bücher' vs. Elektronische Informationsobjekte), oder schließlich die dabei ins Spiel kommenden Referenzierungs-Mechanismen (Katalogsignaturen vs. URLs). Eine Rückbesinnung auf solche Differenzen kann hilfreich sein, um dann erneut über Integrationsszenarien nachzudenken: Ins Blickfeld kommen dann die Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records der IFLA und Konzepte aus dem Bereich des 'Semantic Web' mit ihrem je spezifischen Integrationspotential.

Source: author's introduction

Short description

"Nynorsk i 140" is a Twitter competition. Poetry and short stories are submitted in form of Twitter's 140 characters, with hashtag #nynov

Six rounds of competition with a chosen winner for each round. About 3000 entries in total, from about 500 writers.

Deichmanske Library in Oslo is the project manager and have made this contest possible with funding from the organisation "Fritt Ord" and "Språkåret 2013".

These are the different themes for each round, and number of contributions received:

1 -Vår (spring, ours) (over 500 contributions)
2 -Lyst (light, lust) (350 contributions)
3 -Tre (tree, three) (over 500 contributions)
4 -Bar (bar,naked) (over 600 contributions)
5 -Frisk (fresh, healthy) (428 contributions)
6 -Ende (end, butt) (570 contributions)

These are the winners and their stories:

Round 1 winner: Stig Hjelmeland
@SHjelmeland "Geronimo vaknar. Tøyfotballsko. Turr mark. Tommahåkken frå i fjor vår. Hamrebygdarar mot nabbenesarar. Berre vent til det mørknar."
(Geronimo awakens. Sneakers. Dry field. The Tomahawk from last spring. Hamrebygdings against Nabbenesings. Just wait until it gets dark.)

Round 2 winner: Nora B. Jenssen
@norabj "Det blei endeleg lyst i kupeen, og han fekk sjå ho som hadde kvilt seg så godt mot aksla hans gjennom to land i natta."
(There was finally light in the coupé, and he got to see she who had rested so comfortably against his shoulder through two countries during the night.)

Round 3 winner: Magne Velle
@mvelle "Det gjekk eit sus gjennom skogen då to av tretoppane barka saman. Heldigvis var det berre vinden som spela dei eit pust."
(There was a whisper in the forest when two of the treetops barked at each other. Fortunately, it was only the wind howling.)

Round 4 winner Eline Stien
@elinestien "Dei bar kista saman. Ein på kvar side og sonen i midten. Aldri skulle dei bere så tungt igjen. Aldri skulle dei bere noko saman."
(They carried the coffin together. One by each side, and the son in the middle. Never would they carry so heavy again. Never would they carry anything together.)

Round 5 winner: Kjersti G. Andersen
@grammany "Vinden bles friskt på havet den dagen han forsvann. Likevel finn ho trøyst i vinden. I den er pusten hans gøymd, kjærteikna òg."
(A fresh wind blew at sea the day he disappeared. Still she finds comfort in the wind. In it, his breath is hidden, his caresses too.)

Round 6 winner: Jens Petter Kollhøj
@jepeko "Eg sjekkar dekka. Mørke. Regn. Vind. Frost. Midt i den svarte elva flakkar ei gravemaskin med lysa. Eg sit på bussen. Svingen kjem."
(I'm checking the tires. Darkness. Rain. Wind. Frost. In the middle of the black river, an excavator flashes its lights. I'm sitting on the bus. The road turns.)

Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140's webpage 18th of october 2013
Screenshot from Nynov140 at Twitter
Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140 at Twitter showing screens with poems in the library
Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140 at Twitter showing screens with poems in the library shelf
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round one.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round two.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round three.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round four.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round five.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round six.
Record Status
Description (in English)

The Garden Library database is an open‐air library located in a public park in the center of Tel Aviv. Established to serve the area’s refugee and migrant worker community, it aims to answer a concrete need as well as to manifest a socio‐political stance. The library has no security guard who checks and asks questions, no walls and no door. 

ARTEAM, the artists’ collective that initiated and designed the library, sought to break away from traditional classification categories and to realize an indexing system that would playfully manifest the values of an open society. Inspired by the freedom inherent in digital random‐access data retrieval the books are not catalogued according to genre or author name, but dynamically according to reader input, i.e. to the emotional response the books evoke in their readers. The library’s database visualization project will invite visitors to filter, sort and order the library books in multiple informative ways: according to the emotional categories, the various languages, the relative popularity of a particular category, etc. 

The history of the emotional judgments will permit dynamic illustration of “wandering maps,” displaying the relative placements of the books at any point in time and the dynamic changes over time. The visual mapping is intended to familiarize site visitors with the library’s reader communities, their opinions and preferences. A wiki feature will appeal to international visitors to complete the information about each and every book in the book’s native tongue. More information about the library indexing system at:

This work was supported by the World Class University (WCU) program funded by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology through the National Research Foundation of Korea (R32-20067).

By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 19 August, 2011
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
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Remote video URL