
By Audun Andreassen, 10 April, 2013
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Abstract (in English)

In the work with my thesis on digital poetry I aim to highlight the following three axes

1) A theoretical reflection considering language in interaction with the visual and auditory modalities as well as an investigation of the relation between language and technical media, using theorists such as N. Katherine Hayles and Friedrich A. Kittler.

2) An analytical, methodical approach, which investigates digital works of poetry and their intermedial relations and effects of meaning.

3) Putting into perspective the historical concrete poetry and avant-garde movements – primarily from Scandinavia.

With these axes in mind, I aim to present a close reading of the Swedish artist Johannes Heldén and his two digital-poetic works “Primärdirektivet/The Prime Directive” and “Väljarna” "The Voters/The Choosers" The works of Johannes Heldén are interactive, as you activate the words in a random order on the computer screen. There is a background of pictures with depth and minimal animations that create rather impressive surroundings: a foggy forest and a single spruce with black, naked branches, silently moving. Or a factory with tunnels, smoke, and roads with a single moving truck. The ambience is increased by electronic sounds – drone-like and heavy. In my analysis of the works I will emphasize the figuration of space on several different levels: The interactivity accentuates the paratactic character of the sentences. The text thereby establishes a kind of cubistic space. In “Valjärna”, there are parts of the language, which, in connection with picture and sound, come to constitute an imaginary universe, with words such as “branches”, “storm”, “green water”, “clay soil”, “shadows” and “darkness”. But some linguistic sequences break free from the universe and create their own, surreal pictures, “a laughing monkey”, “spider made of teeth”. There are also aphoristic sentences like “The Alphabet is an instruction” and other sequences that comment on the reception of the work itself on a subtle meta-level. “Väljarna” contains concretistic effects, where, for instance, sentences are shaped like the spruce – and this figuration is redoubled by the sentence “The tree is built by signs”. The language is in interplay with - but also contrasts - the auditory and visual modalities. I intend to investigate the effects of these relations and constitutions of space through a concrete cross-medial approach. Here I use the notion of The modalities of media elaborated by Lars Elleström, which consist of: the material modality, the sensorial modality, the spatiotemporal modality and the semiotic modality. I employ these distinctions in order to analyse and differentiate the intermedial relations in Heldéns works.

By Melissa Lucas, 16 October, 2012
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Abstract (in English)

This article briefly discusses the works of three Swedish poets (Emil Boss, Anna-Maria Ytterbom, and Johannes Heldén), and ultimately finds them confusing and tedious. The third piece, Entropi by Heldén, is a work of ELit. Dahlerus criticizes it as "Mycket svår poesi för ovana lyrikläsare" [Very difficult for inexperienced poetry readers]. He complains that the work forces him to become "något slags lyrikdetektiv" [some kind of poetry detective] to discover clues to the meaning of the poetry. Though he acknowledges that there is a place for "oläsbar poesi" [unreadable poetry], he asserts that too much of this kind of poetry causes him to wish for a new poetry - one that "vågar vara tydlig, vågar kommunicera" [dares to be clear, dares to communicate]. The three reader comments following the article indicate that they all strongly disagree with Dahlerus.

Description in original language
Creative Works referenced
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Description (in English)

Online work first published in 2008. Main theme: nature. As the work is loading, a quote appears: "It's not safe out here. It's wondrous." The fog shifts to reveal a lone tree, a flock of birds scatter. A deep drone is sounding. When attempting to click on the birds different texts are activated. When managing to "catch" one of the birds, one of the previously dimmed texts will appear.

Description (in original language)

Online-verk publicerat 2008. Huvudsakligt tema: naturen. När verket laddar uppenbarar sig ett citat: "It's not safe out here. It's wondrous." Dimman lättar och ett ensamt träd blir synligt, en fågelflock skingras. Ett djupt mullrande växer. Vid försök att klicka på fåglarna så aktiveras olika texter. Vid lyckad "fångst" av en fågel så blir en av de tidigare oläsbara texterna tydlig.

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
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Flash based. Flash player v.8 or later needed.

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Description (in English)

Heldén's usual sophisticated visual language has here been cast aside in preference for a strictly simple HTML construction where texts, photographs and the urging to keep moving forwards drive the reading of this short work (next, next...). The work shows how digital techniques can allow for relatively simple arrangements of text and images that still belong in a digital environment. (Description by Maria Engberg, for ELINOR) Heldéns typiska sofistiskerade bildspråk har här lämnats för en stramt enkel html-konstruktion där texten, fotografier, och uppmaningen att röra sig framåt driver läsningen av det korta verket (next, next…). Verket visar på hur digital teknik också tillåter relatvit enkla arrangemang av text och bild som dock hör hemma i den digitala miljön. (Maria Engberg / ELINOR)

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Description (in English)

English title: "The watcher’s ability to interfere." Probably the first hypertext written in Swedish.

Description of the work by Hans Kristian Rustad: The hypertext fiction contains mostly written text, but some pictures and sounds also appear. In that case this text also in an international context is an early example of multimodal hypertext fiction. As you can see, you can traverse the text by clicking on links, which will provide you with a new text cluster, just like reading Afternoon or Patchwork Girl. Or you can read the text by using the navigation menu at the right hand side of the screen. As you can see the reader is offered something that looks like a default path by clicking on the arrows. Clicking on links might also causes a small text box to appear in front of the main text cluster, or as a kind of a note on the side of the text. These side notes are sometimes narrative and diegetic, sometimes they looks more like a poem, and sometimes they are explanations given by the narrator. Other links again makes more text appears inside the original text. This textappears as animated text that is temporally manipulated, so the clicking gives the reader an impression that he is just reading half of a sentence, and need to click to make the rest of the sentence appears. Occasionally the reader is asked to “flip” a virtual coin, and the narrative continues based on the result, unintentionally and randomly.

Iakttagarens förmåga att ingripa is a hypertext fiction discussing fatalism as a philosophical view on life. Its about the protagonist Pete, which experiences the lack of options to change the course of his life. Pete is a writer, which stays in New York for some time. During his stay he meets by accident the photographer Johanna. Johanna is on leave from a psychiatric hospital, and Pete enters into a relationship with her, more or less against his own will. Back in Stockholm they move in together, and as they got to know each other they start to discover unknown sides of themselves.

The plot is pretty much like a crime novel, where the author has left traces for the bright reader to discover, and where the ending is unexpected. The title Iakttagarens förmåga att ingripa refers just as much to the reader’s situation in hypertext as to the plot and the characters’. For even though the reader is given choices and apparently is able to control the narrative sequence, the macro sequence and the narrative end are fixed and predetermined. Just like Afternoon and Patchwork girl, Tallmo’s hypertext fiction situates itself in the discussion of the hypertext technology’s democratic potential and the reader’s freedom of choices in hypertext. In this sense Iakttagarens förmåga att ingripa contributed to the discussions of newer technological affordances and its impact on the process of writing and reading, and on concepts such as literature, narratives, text, etc., in a Nordic context.

There is a problem concerning the accessibility of the work. It is available on a disc or as an electronic file, which is made available by contacting the author and paying a small fee. But it only runs on a mac, and than a mac with the necessary operation system (like for instance OS 7.1 or OS 9) with Hypercard or Hypercard player. There is also a challenge in that the author is the only one that has the ability to archive the text

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Description (in English)

Online work, in two parts + intro. Main themes: science fiction, nature. First published in 2006 by danish website Afsnit P. In the intro two books are slowly rotating, when clicking on them they each lead to one of the main parts of the piece: The Path of the Fragment and The Prime Directive. The images and texts in these are of a dark sci-fi nature, the soundtrack ambient and droney.

Description (in original language)

Online-verk, i två delar plus intro. Teman: science fiction, naturen. Publicerat 2006 på den danska websidan Afsnit P. Introt består av två långsamt roterande böcker. När betraktaren/ läsaren klickar på dessa så leder de vidare till verkets två huvuddelar: Fragmentets Flyktväg resp. Primärdirektivet. Bilderna och texterna i dessa är av mörk sci-fi karaktär, ljudspåret ambient och långsamt svepande.

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Technical notes

Flash 8 required