Description (in English)
Megan Sapnar’s Pushkin Translation, published on Poems that Go presents a poem by Aleksandr Pushkin in Russian, translated by Dimitry Brill. As the reader moves the cursor over the poem, the text is revealed in English and read aloud in Russian. In the background, a Russian folk song recorded by the Ospipov State Russian Folk Orchestra plays. The work includes a long titles sequence that gives credit not only to the author, the translator, and the musical performers, but also FreaKaZoid, a Flash programmer from whom Sapnar got some help on the actionscript implementation. The designer Sapnar responded to Pushkin’s work by remixing his text with the work of several other authors and performers, both remediating the original poem and creating a new work in the process, that provides a new way of reading the original.Megan Sapnar’s Pushkin Translation, published on Poems that Go presents a poem by Aleksandr Pushkin in Russian, translated by Dimitry Brill. As the reader moves the cursor over the poem, the text is revealed in English and read aloud in Russian. In the background, a Russian folk song recorded by the Ospipov State Russian Folk Orchestra plays. The work includes a long titles sequence that gives credit not only to the author, the translator, and the musical performers, but also FreaKaZoid, a Flash programmer from whom Sapnar got some help on the actionscript implementation. The designer Sapnar responded to Pushkin’s work by remixing his text with the work of several other authors and performers, both remediating the original poem and creating a new work in the process, that provides a new way of reading the original.
(Source: "Dada Redux: Elements of Dadaist Practice in Contemporary Electronic Literature" by Scott Rettberg)