
Description (in English)

"Gabriella Infinita," a metamorphical work, is a lesson in the evolution of the internet. Three versions of the text are available: Novel, Hypertext and Hypermedia. In the tale, Gabriella arrives at the apartment of her lover, Frederico, the author, only to find he has disappeared. In his stead, she has only his things, his writings, his clippings, and his recordings. At the same time, in a parallel narrative, a group of people try to escape a building. They are trapped, moreso than they think, for they are characters in one of his stories. Since Jaime Alejandro Rodriguez Ruiz made all of these versions available on the web (with commentaries), they serve as an excellent study in the forms themselves. In no way a lesson in progress, the adaptations and translations of his own tale reveal the strengths and limitations of these forms.

(Source: Electronic Literature Directory entry by Mark Marino)

Description (in original language)

Gabriella Infinita es una obra metamórfica. Su presencia corre paralela a una intensa y a la vez voluble experiencia de escritura. Nace como toda obra artística: por gracia de una necesidad expresiva muy intima. Pero, apenas brota, empieza a buscar alocadamente su forma, como ávida de cuerpo, como presintiendo su fragilidad y su contingencia. Y termina comprendiendo que estaba destinada a la volatilidad.

Pero esa conciencia siempre estuvo lejos de ser alcanzada fácilmente. Sufrió al comienzo, en su primera fase de formalización, la negligencia majadera de sus lectores; después, la terquedad imposible de su autor que le impidió mutar con libertad. Finalmente, hubo de someterse a la desintegración de sus elementos. Ahora, en su tercera metamorfosis, espera nerviosa, como una quinceañera asustada en su primera cita a ciegas, el encuentro con su lector.

(Source: description from Gabriella Infinita, "historia")

Screen shots
Contributors note

Visual Design and Interactivity: Carlos Roberto Torres Parrafurther credits: http://www.javeriana.edu.co/gabriella_infinita/proyecto/creditos.htm