
By Helen Burgess, 20 June, 2012
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All Rights reserved
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Abstract (in English)

Highways of the Mind explores the history of the interstate highway system and its transformative impact on the physical and cultural landscapes of America. Beginning with the 1939 New York World’s Fair andtracing the development of America’s automotive culture, Highways of the Mind combines interactivemultimedia features with original scholarly content to provide new insight into the figure of thesuperhighway as a metaphor for social progress through technology. We show that thesuperhighway is a compelling 20th-century metaphor that reveals the complex nature of humankind'sfascination with technologies of transportation, from our fantasies of techno-utopianism to ouranxieties about the disappearance of nature and the dehumanizing impact of modern technology.

A scholarly multimedia work exploring the rhetorics and cultural impact of the American superhighway system in urban planning, urban/environmental criticism, ecological studies, infrastructural studies and science fiction.

Description in original language
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Our highways are haunted.

By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 23 April, 2012
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

A bibliography of electronic-literature scholarship, created by Amanda Starling Gould and published in the Electronic Literature Directory.

The rapid emergence of this field necessitates a smartly curated beginners’ guide. This essay seeks to provide such by reviewing recent works that we feel represent an effective overview of current electronic literature (e-lit) scholarship. Sketching a durable architecture of critical contemporary e-lit texts is no easy task as both the pasts and the futures of the field are in dynamic shift and flow. In the service of putting forth a practical bibliography of e-lit scholarship, we here foreground the historical lineages (its disputed pasts) to focus primarily on the contemporary questions, conversations, critiques and critical theories that point toward its potential futures.

(Source: article).

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E-lit online sites provide dynamic conversation for students and scholars.

By Scott Rettberg, 28 March, 2012
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

English version of article published in Norwegian as "Ord som kan lyse opp et mørkt rom" in Vagant 1/2009.

An introduction to electronic literature for a general literary audience, discussing works in the Electronic Literature Collection, volume 1, and works presented at the 2008 Electronic Literature in Europe conference, held in Bergen.

Critical Writing referenced
By Scott Rettberg, 26 March, 2012
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

English version of "Gammel vin in nye skinnsekker" published in Norwegian in Vagant 1/2010.

The article addresses several works of electronic literature which take as their basis print works from other periods: Shelley Jackson's remix of the Frankenstein story in Patchwork Girl, Barry Smylie's new media version of Homer's Illiad, and Chris Ault's play with Jeanette Winterson's Sexing the Cherry in "Hot Air".

Creative Works referenced
By Scott Rettberg, 25 March, 2012
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

English version of "Jason Nelsons hemmelige teknologi" published in Vagant 2/2010.

A discussion of Jason Nelson's work and absurdist aesthetic.

By Scott Rettberg, 25 March, 2012
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Expanded English version of "Lesningens Visjoner: Om å lese i et multimedialt miljø" published in Norwegian in Vagant 2/2011.

A discussion of the Poetry Beyond Text project, which examined reading of concrete and digital poetry from a cognitive perspective, and a 2011 exhibition in Dundee, Scotland associated with the project, which included works by John Cayley and Simon Biggs.

Creative Works referenced
By Scott Rettberg, 25 March, 2012
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

English version of "Å Lese Med Fingrene" published in Vagant 3/2011.

A discussion of electronic literature, for children and adults, made for the iPad.

ipad_lit.pdf (71.25 KB)