Developing a Network-Based Creative Community: Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP) is a three-year (June 2010-June 2013) collaborative research project funded by HERA, the Humanities in the European Research Area framework, sponsored by EU FP7 and the national research councils of the countries participating in the framework. The project has involved researchers from seven institutions in six European nations, who together have produced seven events including seminars, workshops and the Remediating the Social conference and exhibition, documented by this volume, Remediating the Social.
English version of article published in Norwegian as "Ord som kan lyse opp et mørkt rom" in Vagant 1/2009.
An introduction to electronic literature for a general literary audience, discussing works in the Electronic Literature Collection, volume 1, and works presented at the 2008 Electronic Literature in Europe conference, held in Bergen.
An introduction to electronic literature for a general literary audience, discussing works in the Electronic Literature Collection, volume 1, and works presented at the 2008 Electronic Literature in Europe conference, held in Bergen.
En introduksjon til elektronisk litteratur for en generell litterær publikum, diskutere arbeidene i Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1, og elektronisk litteraturen presentert på 2008 Electronic Literature i Europa Konferansen, som arrangeres i Bergen.