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O II Simpósio Nacional da ABCIBER - ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISADORES EM CIBERCULTURA foi realizado na PUC-SP, no período de 10 a 13 de novembro de 2008. Organizado pelo CENCIB - Centro Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas em Comunicação e Cibercultura, do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Comunicação e Semiótica, o evento foi estruturado em várias sessões de trabalho – Cerimônia de abertura, mesas de conferência, painéis temáticos (científicos e artísticos), plenárias especiais, Reunião de Conselho Científico Deliberativo, Assembléia Geral (de associados da ABCiber) e noite de lançamento de livros –, e reuniu, em quatro dias consecutivos, no TUCA, no TUCA-Arena e no prédio Bandeira de Mello da PUC-SP, inúmeros pesquisadores(as) e alunos(as) de Programas de Pós-Graduação e de Graduação de áreas das Ciências Humanas e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas de vários Estados brasileiros. O Simpósio cumpriu dupla finalidade: (1) discutir as relações entre tecnologias/redes digitais, cultura contemporânea e reorganização cotidiana do social, da economia e da política no Brasil e no mundo, espelhando, de maneira organizada, panorâmica e profunda, o estado da arte da pesquisa desenvolvida no país nesse campo temático; e (2) dar continuidade ao trabalho de organização institucional e acadêmica da ABCiber, doravante com foco na constituição de seu quadro associativo e na instalação de sua Assembléia Geral.

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The 1st National Symposium of Researchers in Communication and Cyberculture organized by CENCIB – Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communications and Cyberculture will be held at PUC/SP’s TUCA Auditorium from September 25 to 29, 2006. Part of the commemorations of this University’s 60th anniversary and of the 34 years of the Program of Post-Graduate Studies on Communication and Semiotics, the event is being sponsored exclusively by the Itaú Cultural, with funding by CAPES and cultural support by TUCA. Structured into 15 work sessions, including 11 thematic panels, the 5-day event will bring together about 45 researchers [35 conference speakers] from Post-Graduate Programs in Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences of several Brazilian states. Their purpose will be to (1) discuss the relations among technologies/digital networks, contemporary culture and quotidian reorganization of society, economy and politics in Brazil and worldwide; and (2) found, during their work, a new scientific Association called (by a provisional referential name) SOCIB – Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Cibercultura (Brazilian Society for the Study of Cyberculture).Due to the thematic nature of the Symposium and the representativeness of the research developed in Brazil on this theme, the conferences will encompass [1] rereadings of classical or long known themes, [2] a historical review and contextualization of traditional and modern concepts, [3] advanced reflective incursions within the ambit of the theory and critique of communications, politics and culture, [4] unveiling and analysis of objects, processes and emergent tendencies of cyberculture and of their social model articulated by cyberspace, and [5] a deconstruction of current mythologies.

O I Simpósio Nacional de Pesquisadores em Comunicação e Cibercultura constitui iniciativa do CENCIB – Centro Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas em Comunicação e Cibercultura, do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Comunicação e Semiótica da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, e está previsto para se realizar nessa Universidade, no período de 25 a 29 de setembro de 2006. Estruturado em 13 sessões de trabalho (12 painéis temáticos e uma plenária especial) e aberto à comunidade científica, o evento reunirá, em cinco dias consecutivos, no anfiteatro do TUCA, cerca de 40 pesquisadores(as) de Programas de Pós-Graduação de áreas das Ciências Humanas e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas de vários Estados brasileiros e cumprirá dupla finalidade: (1) discutir as relações entre tecnologias/redes digitais, cultura contemporânea e reorganização cotidiana do social, da economia e da política no Brasil e no mundo, espelhando, de maneira organizada, panorâmica e profunda, o estado da arte da pesquisa desenvolvida no país nesse campo temático; e (2) fundar, ao final dos trabalhos, uma associação interinstitucional de pesquisa, que, numa nomenclatura de referência provisória, sujeita a revisão, pode-se denominar SOCIB – Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Cibercultura (nomenclatura referencial provisória). Em razão da natureza temática do evento e da representatividade da pesquisa desenvolvida no Brasil a respeito, as conferências abrangerão, certamente, [1] releituras reescalonadas de temas clássicos ou há muito conhecidos, [2] revisão e contextualização históricas de conceitos tradicionais e modernos, [3] incursões reflexivas de ponta no âmbito da teoria e da crítica da comunicação, da política e da cultura, [4] descortinamento e análise de objetos, processos e tendências emergentes, próprios da cibercultura e de seu modelo de social, articulado pelo ciberespaço, e [5] desconstrução de mitologias correntes.

(Fonte: PUC-SP)

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Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Short description

This event plans to discuss the relation between literature, its diverse theoretical, practical and artistic perspectives, and the digital medium, giving emphasis on computer languages processing, which include the processing of natural languages, in their various forms (from statistical text analysis to web-semantics). This includes literary digital libraries and databases; reading, teaching, and learning digital support tools; digital arts and creative writing; digital treatment of literary texts; digital literary journals; writing in the digital media. These topics cover various areas of knowledge, in addition to literature, such as design, library science, computer science, linguistics, among others, also related to the event's proposal. In short, with this symposium, we intend to make clear once and for all the relationship between the area of Arts and science, technology and innovation, focusing resolutely on overcoming mutual prejudices that date ages back.

(Source: Nupill website)

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Since the early 1990s, there has been a grow­ing body of live per­for­mance that is sit­u­ated online. These events dif­fer enor­mously in form and con­tent, are described with mul­ti­ple terms (such as cyber­for­mance, remote per­for­mance, inter­net the­atre, screen stage, computer-mediated per­for­mance), are staged in a vari­ety of online envi­ron­ments (such as text-based and graph­i­cal chat rooms, sound broad­cast, real time chore­og­ra­phy for screen, vir­tual worlds, games and purpose-built or exist­ing plat­forms as for instance face­book) and engage diverse audi­ences. The net, how­ever, is for­get­ful: it loses the mem­ory of those events, and of the peo­ple who lived them, of the envi­ron­ments and com­mu­ni­ties who hosted them.

On 12 Octo­ber 2012, a cyber­for­mance sym­po­sium will be hosted by UpStage, the Water­wheel Tap and inde­pen­dent cyber­form­ers, where cyber­form­ers will dis­cuss their online per­for­mances with other artists, researchers and inter­ested par­tic­i­pants. Ques­tions we would like to tackle in CyPo­sium include: What dif­fer­ent kind of events hap­pened? What did they make pos­si­ble? What was spe­cial about the event? Why were things done in a cer­tain way and what were the results?

(Source; Cyposium site)

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Short description

Welcome to a conference where you won't just hear about social technolgies, knowledge sharing and electronic literature, you'll live in the network.

Be inspired by internationally reknowned speakers such as Howard Rheingold, who coined the term smart mobs to describe what happens when the masses can communicate outside of the control of hierarchical structures; Lisbeth Klastrup, the Danish expert on virtual worlds, multi-user games and electronic storytelling; Cory Doctorow, science fiction writer and champion of open sharing of knowledge and culture; Scott Rettberg, founder of the Electronic Literature Organisation and author of prize-winning works of electronic literature; Torill Mortensen, weblogging expert and scholar of social texts in games and on the web; and many other speakers from Norway and elsewhere.

Get engaged in workshops that will help you get started with the technicalities of social technology and social knowledge sharing, and take your knowledge further in workshops that ask how to use the technical basis to create and share your ideas.

Bring your wireless devices or use the computers in the conference space to connect, to discuss, to create and to share through the conference and afterwards.

Take home experience and a familiarity with social technology that listening or reading alone cannot give you.

The main conference language will be Norwegian, but many presentations and workshops will be in English. There will be ample opportunity for English-only speakers to create their own social spaces during Norwegian sessions.

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