Welcome to a conference where you won't just hear about social technolgies, knowledge sharing and electronic literature, you'll live in the network.
Be inspired by internationally reknowned speakers such as Howard Rheingold, who coined the term smart mobs to describe what happens when the masses can communicate outside of the control of hierarchical structures; Lisbeth Klastrup, the Danish expert on virtual worlds, multi-user games and electronic storytelling; Cory Doctorow, science fiction writer and champion of open sharing of knowledge and culture; Scott Rettberg, founder of the Electronic Literature Organisation and author of prize-winning works of electronic literature; Torill Mortensen, weblogging expert and scholar of social texts in games and on the web; and many other speakers from Norway and elsewhere.
Get engaged in workshops that will help you get started with the technicalities of social technology and social knowledge sharing, and take your knowledge further in workshops that ask how to use the technical basis to create and share your ideas.
Bring your wireless devices or use the computers in the conference space to connect, to discuss, to create and to share through the conference and afterwards.
Take home experience and a familiarity with social technology that listening or reading alone cannot give you.
The main conference language will be Norwegian, but many presentations and workshops will be in English. There will be ample opportunity for English-only speakers to create their own social spaces during Norwegian sessions.