Amor de Clarice

Description (in English)

Textual engine, with sound, text created from the short story "Amor", by Clarice Lispector, with lexicon from the book "Laços de Família", by the same author. Retextualization to HTML + CSS + XML + JS of poems originally created in Flash / ActionScript (2008)

Description (in original language)

Motor textual, com som, texto criado a partir do conto "Amor", de Clarice Lispector, com léxico do livro "Laços de Família", da mesma autora. Retextualização para HTML+CSS+XML+JS de poemas originalmente criados em Flash/ActionScript (2008)

Description in original language
Screen shots
Amor de Clarice
Contributors note

Rui Torres: txt, html, css, xml; Nuno Ferreira: js, html; Carlos Morgado: snd; Nuno M: vox