research and creation

Description (in English)

The importance of communication technology has given special attention to the current way in which we read and write. This thesis examines the new role of teaching literature in the field of Spanish as a foreign language while at the same time contextualizing the importance of digital literature, hypermedia and hypertext in second language acquisition as a whole. In order to portray the development of the present study a theoretical, analytical and practical path has been followed and examined on a specific educational website. The results of the analysis reflect a significant link among hypertextuality, intertextuality and interculturality, which suggests that the challenge relies not only on the understanding of the bond but also on the development of new patterns and approaches to combine language, culture and technology in second language education.

Description (in original language)

Las nuevas formas de lectura y escritura nos llevan a tomar conciencia del desarrollo e impacto que las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación tienen en su difusión y aprendizaje. El presente trabajo pretende investigar la relevancia de dicha convicción en la enseñanza de la literatura en el aula de español como lengua extranjera. Para ello, abordaremos la importancia que hoy en día tiene reparar en la literatura digital, la hipermedia y el hipertexto como soportes digitales en la enseñanza de ELE así como en la adquisición de segundas lenguas en general. Con el objetivo de comprender mejor dicho fenómeno hemos trazado una trayectoria teórica, analítica y práctica de los elementos hipertextuales, intertextuales e interculturales de un sitio web educativo en concreto. Los resultados del análisis sugieren que el reto no yace únicamente en entender la codependencia de estos elementos sino en desarrollar nuevos patrones y estrategias para combinar la lengua, la cultura y la tecnología en el campo de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas.

Description in original language
By Fredrik Sten, 17 October, 2013
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

How can one articulate literary and artistic creation and scientific research? In my case, creative research consists in creating experiences. Indeed I emphasize the notion of experience, or rather experiences: the experiences of the author, of the reader and of the researcher (in the field of digital literature). This approach is based on a variety of first person and third person experiences, subjective experiences and objective descriptions, spontaneous and instrument-based experiences (ie closer to experiments). Conceiving a literary and artistic experience as a scientific experience implies admitting that real life experience can have a scientific dimension. In this approach, I analyse my own productions as well as the productions of other authors. I can think my productions and those of others from a concept-based perspective or from a creative activity perspective, as a literary and artistic experience or as material for a scientific experiment.The challenge is to develop protocols of introspection, data collection and traces which will then reconstruct what happened. Creative research, if it is based on solid protocols, has a lot to teach us about digital writing and digital poetry. As a case study, I will include the research and creation process implemented in the framework of a collaboration with the ALIS company.

(Source: Author's abstract at ELO 2013 conference site:… )