interactive audio

Description (in English)

Plays random sections of a recording of Wallace Stevens reading The Idea of Order at Key West. Click the waveform to play the poem at the corresponding point in time. Blue and green are special colors in the poetry of Stevens. Green for the earth, for nature, for the quotidian, the worldly. Blue for the sky, imagination, the ethereal, thought and dream.

Screen shots
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Description (in English)

The installation consisted of a six foot ladder and a chalk outline of a body on the floor, with two audio soundtracks, one of people talking about "up" times in their lives and one of people talking about feeling "down". When visitors climbed the ladder, the "up" soundtrack was played more loudly, and vice versa. Utterback writes in her 2004 essay "Unusual Positions": "Through its interface, this piece explores the embodiedness of language itself.

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 28 June, 2013
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Abstract (in English)

This paper introduces the novel concept of location-based Mobile Urban Dramas. In a Mobile Urban Drama the user become the main character in a play where actors’ voices appear in the mobile phone headset linked to the physical setting in the city as the stage for the drama. The paper describes the dramaturgical concept and introduces a software framework supporting drama writers in developing such Mobile Urban Dramas. Experiences with use of the framework are discussed with successful examples of real dramas that have been developed and performed by a Danish theatre group, Katapult.

[Editor's note: The paper includes are many interesting references both to locative drama and to critical writing that are not yet entered into the Knowledge Base.]

Creative Works referenced
Critical Writing referenced