e-lit publishing

By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
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Abstract (in English)

Fabrizio Venerandi is author of two novels published in form of hypertextual ebooks and also co-founder of the publishing house Quintadicopertina. In this interview he talks about the book series Polistorie (Polystories) and about the basic ideas that inspired this project. Recalling the experience he made with the groundbreaking work on the first MUD in Italy in 1990, Venerandi describes the relations between literature and video games. Starting from a comparison between print literature tradition and new media, at last, he faces the problems of creation and preservation of digital works.

Abstract (in original language)

Fabrizio Venerandi è autore di due romanzi pubblicati in forma di ebook ipertestuali ed è anche cofondatore della casa editrice Quintadicopertina. In questa intervista parla della collana delle Polistorie e delle idee di fondo che hanno ispirato questo progetto. Ricordando l’esperienza legata al lavoro pioneristico al primo MUD italiano del 1990, Venerandi descrive la relazione tra letteratura e i video giochi. Da un paragone tra la tradizione della letteratura a stampa e i nuovi media, infine, affronta il problema della creazione e della preservazione delle opere digitali.

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By Patricia Tomaszek, 16 January, 2013
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Phillippe Bootz gives an account of the longest standing web-based literary journal in France.

By Patricia Tomaszek, 24 August, 2012
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Electronic literature is an important evolving field of artistic practice and literary study. It is a sector of digital humanities focused specifically on born-digital literary artifacts, rather than on using the computer and the network to redistribute, analyze, or recontextualize artifacts of print culture. Works of electronic literature appeal to configurative reading practices. The field of electronic literature is based on a gift economy and developing a network-based literary culture built on the collaborative practices of a globally distributed community of artists, writers, and scholars. This article situates the development of the field of electronic literature within academe, some of the institutional challenges currently confronting the field, and its potential for further development.

Source: author's abstract (dhq)

A draft version of this article was presented as "Communitizing Electronic Literature" at the 2008 ELO Conference.