
By Jorge Sáez Jim…, 14 November, 2019
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

During the last ten years the digital publishing industry has gone through an important development in terms of the creation and adoption of new software. E-books that are widely known and used in PDF format can now be entirely designed with new software and enriched with multimedia and multimodal features, which can also embed Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies.

Since the design of the layout and the software of enhanced e-books are both created with the same technology used in the web, these enhanced e-books can be analyzed and described with theories and concepts used in the field of web technology. The innovative features that these e-books present include practices termed as Multimedia Literacy, i.e. multilinearity, multimedia, multimodality. For these reasons the analysis of the works of fiction and poetry published in this format can be carried out through these theories and research methods, already elaborated in the field of electronic literature.

The method of media-specific analysis conceived by Katherine N. Hayles, as well as her comparative study on the relationship between print books and works of electronic literature, the studies on software and new media aesthetics by Lev Manovich, and Johanna Drucker’s work that encompasses print books, artists’ books and digital aesthetics are among the most important resources.

Despite the popularity of e-books, the practice of multimedia literacy and the increasing interest in AR and VR technology in various industrial sectors as well as in the arts, the market growth and development of the technology for both the creation and the preservation of digital books has been remarkably low. Enriched e-books, defined by editors and experts as “enhanced e-books”, or referred to with the acronyms EPUB (electronic publishing) and DPUB (digital publishing), may also fail in popularity because of similar terminology used in online and web- based publishing.

In my presentation I will summarize a survey made in 2018 among six digital publishers from Italy, all founders of publishing companies or projects in digital publishing. The survey covers a time span from 1971, the year Project Gutenberg was founded to 2017 when the IDPF was combined with the World Wide Web Consortium.

In my interviews I asked questions concerning the creation, distribution and preservation of these types of books. Moreover, the interviewees gave their personal views on the acceptance and awareness of this technology among their customers in their respective fields. The topics addressed range from works of literature, art and school education.

Event type
Individual Organizers

Archives Nationales

Bibliotheques Nationale de France

Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs

Short description

This international and transdisciplinary project aims at exploring hybrid objects: pop-up books, artists books, sculpture-books or animated books and new digital books, in the shape of e-books and applications that, because they belong to both litterature and graphic culture, actually avoid preexisting categories.

The idea is to work with the material to explore textual architextures as well as tactile possibilities, even kinetic ones. Book-bjects will be considered in their historical dimension — by retracing existing filiations between mechanical books and digital books — but also analyzed from the angle of materiality. We will try to understand the way these books, digital or not, stretch the limits or paper and operate on new types of surfaces to create innovative, playful, tactile and esthetic devices.

Ce projet international et transdisciplinaire envisage d’explorer la gamme d’objets hybrides que sont les livres pop-up, les livres d’artistes, les livres-sculptures ou encore les livres animés jusqu’aux nouveaux livres numériques, sous forme d’e-books et d’applications qui, par leur appartenance à la fois au domaine littéraire et à la culture graphique, échappent, de fait, aux catégories préexistantes.

Record Status
By Jill Walker Rettberg, 29 April, 2014
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

With the rise of smartphones and tablet pcs, children’s book apps have emerged as a new type of children’s media. While some of them are based on popular children’s books such as Mo Willems’ Pigeon books or Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit, others were specifically designed as apps. This paper focuses on examining book apps under the aspects of implied user strategies and narrative structure. Using a narratological framework that also takes into account the unique characteristics of the medium, a terminology for the analysis of book apps will be sketched out. Furthermore, an exemplary analysis of iOS book apps for pre- and grade school children comes to the conclusion that, far from offering the child users room for individual creativity, a large number of apps rather train their users in following prescribed paths of reading.

(Contains references to more creative works than currently registered:

Animal Snapp Farm by Axel Scheffler. Version 1.0.1. # 2012. Nosy Crow Ltd.
Don’t Let the Pigeon Run this App by Mo Willems. Version: 1.0 Seller: Disney Publishing Worldwide Applica- tions # 2011. Disney Enterprises Inc.
Flip Flap Farm by Axel Scheffler. Version 1.0.1 # 2013. Nosy Crow Ltd.
Lil’ Red. Concept by Bart Bloemen & Brian Main, tech: Tom Skidmore, audio: Lukas Hasitschka, grafix: Brian Main www.lilredapp.com Version: 1.03 # Brian Main.
Magic Story Factory by Kathy Rypp, illustrations: Gretchen Wheeler. Version: 1.0 Seller: Christian Larsen # 2011.
The Gift: An interactive storybook. Written by Jos Carlyle, illustrated by Dan Mynard. Version: 1.5. Seller: Persian Cat Press Ltd # 2012. Persian Cat Press.
The Land of Me: Story Time. Version: 0.0.4 Developer: Made in Me Ltd. # Made in Me.
The Original Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. Version: 1.0 Seller: Pearson PLC # 2011 by Penguin Group (USA).
Your Adventure by Rianne van Duin (RumDeeDum). Version: 1.1 # ImproVive.)

By Søren Pold, 12 June, 2012
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in original language)

E-bogen er blevet forsøgt lanceret flere gange i løbet af de sidste årtier og bogens død er ofte forudsagt. Uanset om bogen er døende, er litteraturens medier i opbrud, og derfor er der behov for en litteraturforståelse, som kan diskutere litteraturen som kunstform på tværs af medier og platforme. Her er der mulighed for at hente inspiration fra den digitale litteratur.Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i analyser af to elektroniske bogformater og diskuterer, hvordan de lægger op til forskellige digitale litterære kulturer, hvilket har betydning for bl.a. bibliotekernes fremtid. Amazons Kindle lægger op til en form for ”kontrolleret forbrug”, mens Påvirket som kun et menneske kan være bruger det digitale til at understøtte læseoplevelsensintensitet. Bibliotekerne har som litteraturhuse interesse i en åben digital litteratur, der ikkekun er designet ud fra e-bogens forretningsmodel.