computer-mediated per­for­mance

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Short description

CYBERFEST is the first and only Russian International festival for cybernetic art (which combines living, biological and somatic substances with computational and technical), held annually since 2007.

This year the festival is attended by more than 80 artists and art professionals from 20 countries (Russia, France, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Germany, Austria, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine , Philippines, etc.), and the program includes:

— an exhibition (of media objects and media installations);
— live performances;
— sound and video art programs;
— an educational program (with lectures, workshops, master classes);
— an Internet conference;
— a concert.

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Event type
Short description

Since the early 1990s, there has been a grow­ing body of live per­for­mance that is sit­u­ated online. These events dif­fer enor­mously in form and con­tent, are described with mul­ti­ple terms (such as cyber­for­mance, remote per­for­mance, inter­net the­atre, screen stage, computer-mediated per­for­mance), are staged in a vari­ety of online envi­ron­ments (such as text-based and graph­i­cal chat rooms, sound broad­cast, real time chore­og­ra­phy for screen, vir­tual worlds, games and purpose-built or exist­ing plat­forms as for instance face­book) and engage diverse audi­ences. The net, how­ever, is for­get­ful: it loses the mem­ory of those events, and of the peo­ple who lived them, of the envi­ron­ments and com­mu­ni­ties who hosted them.

On 12 Octo­ber 2012, a cyber­for­mance sym­po­sium will be hosted by UpStage, the Water­wheel Tap and inde­pen­dent cyber­form­ers, where cyber­form­ers will dis­cuss their online per­for­mances with other artists, researchers and inter­ested par­tic­i­pants. Ques­tions we would like to tackle in CyPo­sium include: What dif­fer­ent kind of events hap­pened? What did they make pos­si­ble? What was spe­cial about the event? Why were things done in a cer­tain way and what were the results?

(Source; Cyposium site)

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