
By Carlos Muñoz, 3 October, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

Earlier this year, poet-scholar John Cayley proposed that scholars and makers of electronic literature attend to the “delivery media for ‘literature’ that are, historically, taking the place of physical, codex-bound books” (John Cayley, 2017, “Aurature at the End(s) of Electronic Literature,” electronic book review). Among those emerging delivery media are so-called Virtual Digital Assistants (VDA) like Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s Siri. Capable of interpreting and producing human language, these domestic robots speak in pleasant female voices, offering access to information, music, social media, telephony, and other services. Their terms and conditions inform the consumer that once the device is activated, it records everything that is being said. The proliferation of VDA bears wide-reaching ethical and aesthetic ramifications that scholars in digital media should attend to.

On the one hand, “we are willingly installing and paying for the last mile of the infrastructure needed for the ultimate surveillance society” (Robert Dale, 2017, “Industry watch: The pros and cons of listening devices,” Natural Language Engineering 23.6, 973). On the other hand, “the arrival of speaking and, especially, listening networked programmable devices…has, I believe, important consequences for literature and for literary — linguistic aesthetic — practices of all kinds” (Cayley 2017). Cayley’s digital aural performance The Listeners (2016) offers a lens to examine the poetics and ethics of VDA. The Listeners is housed in an Amazon Echo, a smart speaker system controlled via the Artificial Intelligence Alexa. An instance of what Cayley has called ‘aurature’ (a composite of aurality and literature), The Listeners complicates our understanding of audio performance art, as text is delivered by a synthetic voice. By aesthetically engaging the slight – yet noticeable – robotic monotony of Alexa’s speech, The Listeners challenges audiences to think about the nature of transactive synthetic language and the meaning of human / AI subjectivity.

At the same time, as the title The Listeners suggests, Alexa’s ability to ‘hear’ is a key feature in Cayley’s piece. In installations of The Listeners, Alexa’s ‘recording’ feature is active, which means that all transactions between speakers and The Listeners are “sent to the artist's Alexa app and the website” (Cayley 2016). Along with the piece’s title, the recording function of The Listeners hints at the forms of social control enabled by technologies like Alexa. Alexander Galloway uses the term “reverse Panopticon” for a society which is characterized by “a multiplicity, nay an infinity, of points of view flanking and flooding the world viewed” (Galloway, Alexander, 2014, Laruelle: Against the Digital. University of Minnesota Press, 68). Alexa records not only her owners’ transactions, but also sends what she hears from guests and visitors to the owners’ account, allowing consumers to spy on each other. Like online practices such as “following” or “stalking” others on social media, Alexa constitutes a prime example of surveillance in a reverse panoptic society. In aesthetically engaging these ‘hearing’ abilities via Alexa’s transactive synthetic language, The Listeners brings computer ethics into conversation with new media poetics, offering trajectories for scholarly inquire into the ethical and aesthetic implications of VDA technologies.

By June Hovdenakk, 19 September, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

eReaders are becoming more normal and convenient, but which technology is the "best"? This chapeter attempts to inscribe those concerns for the readers. A central concern is that the eReader is currently undergoing a low-intensity version of the format wars of the 1980s (Betamax vs. VHS), and 2000s (HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray), bereft of commentary from scholarly and teaching circles, which stand to be most directly affected by the adoption of one particular platform over another. 

(source: from the chapter Unwrapping the eReader: On the Politics of Electronic Literature)

Platform referenced
By Piotr Marecki, 27 April, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

The text is set within the poetics of a technical report, used to communicate the final results of projects in the digital media field. Its subject is the poetry collection of my authorship, Wiersze za sto dolarów (One-Hundred-Dollar Poems), written in Polish in 2017 using the crowdsourcing tool Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT). The project is discussed in the context of other literary works created with AMT, among others On the Subcontract by Nick Thurston. The paper discusses the features of the literary work created by the Mechanical Turks, the phenomenon of Decentring Digital Media and questions of authorship, art project appraisal,and creation as paid work.

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Description (in English)

Poetry in Polish created by Amazon Mechanical Turks (AMT). 

Description (in original language)

1. Amazon Mechanical Turk to amerykańska platforma crowdsourcingowa, dzięki której różne organizacje outsourcują pracę. Jej użytkownicy nazywani są Mechanicznymi Turkami.

2. Na AMT zachodzi stosunek pracy między zamawiającym (requester) a pracownikiem (worker).

3. Mechaniczne Turki wykonują HIT-y (Human Intelligence Task), czyli niskopłatne zadania, których nie da się zrealizować automatycznie.

4. Mechaniczny Turek to ucieleśnienie klęski człowieka, który najpierw budował maszyny, aby wykorzystywać je do własnych celów, a ostatecznie sam stał się ich wyrobnikiem.

5. Zleconym HIT-em było w niniejszym przypadku napisanie wierszy współczesnych w języku polskim. Za wiersze te płacono w dolarach amerykańskich. Na Amazon Mechanical Turk nie można płacić w złotówkach, a polska wersja platformy nie istnieje.

6. Układ książki warunkują kwoty zapłacone za wiersze.

7. Ta książka jest projektem literackim, ale też zapisem eksperymentu społecznego.

8. Ta książka mówi o wirtualnych ekonomiach, digitalnej reprodukcji, wyzysku na cyfrowych rynkach pracy i wycenie pracy artystycznej. Ponadto komentuje ona sytuację materialną polskich poetów i poetek.

9. Ta książka mówi przede wszystkim o nieświadomości internetu.

10. Ta książka jest przykładem pisarstwa cyfrowego. Do tej pory powstało wiele dzieł zrealizowanych przez Mechaniczne Turki, a ten jest pierwszym w języku polskim.

• • •

Tak brzmi poezja tworzona w ramach wyzysku, nieopłacanej bądź skrajnie niskopłatnej pracy, skazana na decyzje bawiącego się swoją władzą pana od poezji, który wydaje ją w książce pod własnym nazwiskiem w swoim wydawnictwie. Tak brzmi polska poezja współczesna. A tak brzmi nieopłacany blurb.

Maja Staśko

• • •

W sieci sztuki operacje finansowe są skrzętnie skrywane. Sztuka sprzedaje się tym lepiej, im bardziej ukrywa swój towarowy charakter. A mechanizmy tworzenia ważnego artysty z człowieka pozostają niewidzialne. Dlatego przejrzystość operacji finansowych Mareckiego może przyprawić o zawrót głowy kogoś, kto czuje się lepiej w towarzystwie ludzi wypłacających gotówkę z bankomatów. Marecki nie jest autorem Wierszy za sto dolarów, jest spekulantem korzystającym z nowych modeli biznesowych. Ale dzięki temu przekracza on niewidzialną linię między pracownikami ducha i niewolnikami maszyn. Dajcie mu więcej ciał.

Anna Kałuża


Description in original language
Screen shots
By Fredrik Sten, 17 October, 2013
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Abstract (in English)

The e-book has been launched several times during the last decades and the book’s demise has often been predicted. Furthermore networked and electronic literature has already established a long history. However, currently we witness several interesting artistic and literary experiments exploring the current changes in literary culture – including the media changes brought about by the current popular break-through of the e-book and the changes in book trading such as represented by e.g. Amazon’s Kindle and Apple’s iBooks – changes that have been described with the concept of controlled consumption (Striphas, 2011, Andersen & Pold, 2012). In our paper we want to focus on how artistic, e-literary experiments explore this new literary culture through formal experiments with expanded books and/or artistic experiments with the post-print literary economy. Examples of the first are Konrad Korabiewski and Litten’s multimedia art book Affected as Only a Human Can Be (Danish version, 2010, English version forthcoming) and our own collaborative installation Coincidentally the Screen has turned to Ink (presented at the Remediating the Social conference, Edinburgh 2012). Examples of the second are Ubermorgen’s The Project Formerly Known as Kindle Forkbomb which will be released in January 2013 and is an intervention into the Amazon Kindle book production and distribution platform with a new form of literature generated from YouTube comments. The paper will discuss how such projects explore how literature currently becomes part of a post-capitalistic production process through controlled consumption platforms. If the printing press was the first conveyor belt and thus an integral part of developing industrial capitalism (such as famously argued by Elizabeth Eisenstein and Walter J. Ong), then this paper will aim to sketch out how contemporary literary technologies is integral to develop and reflect critically on post- or semio-capitalism, and furthermore we will discuss how literature functions in a post-industrial software culture such as the one presented by Apple, Amazon and Google.

Pull Quotes

As a cultural phenomenon, the book is caught in between being, on the one hand, an
endless maze and a ‘garden of forking paths’ (as Jorge Louis Borges reminds us), and on
the other, singular objects with clear and copyrighted authority. The digitisation of text
has often been associated with the maze, and a networked, hypertextual infrastructure.