By Alvaro Seica, 16 May, 2015
Publication Type
Presented at Event
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

What is a bibliographical object in a distributed digital environment? What are the challenges in developing a bibliographical description of digital artifacts and how could these be addressed using post-colonial theories of knowledge production? When we try to apply traditional analytic or descriptive approaches to bibliography to digital artifacts, it quickly becomes clear that they are not “objects” in the analogue sense. Digital objects are constituted at the intersection of multiple dependencies—from file types and platforms to bandwidth, browser capabilities, and processing speeds to social and cultural conditions of production and reception. This talk draws on various models of bibliographical study and approaches to the history of the book to suggest some ways a general practice of digital bibliography might be developed.

(Source: ELD 2015)

Remote video URL
Description (in English)

RolandHT is my dissertation work. It consists of two parts, integrated in the interface you'll see if you click the link above. One is a hypertext—you can get to know Roland by following threads of recurrent themes, imagery and characters present in the story bits you'll find.

(Source: Author's introduction at project site)

Other edition
Description (in English)

Pieces is a puzzle story. To read the work, you assemble the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, each piece yielding a portion of narrative. Under your hands, several lives take shape in earnest if sometimes wobbly and unprepossessing assemblages. The manner in which you put the pieces together affects the course of the characters’ lives, different configurations resulting in different outcomes.

(Source: Author's description at Wordcircuits)

Screen shots
Technical notes

The text of this work is stored as XML in a format that is a prototype for a standard meant to allow easier authoring, dissemination, and preservation of interactive and multimedia literature. The format includes provisions for structured grouping of text components and the conditional displaying of text.