Reflects on the flâneuse, the agency that women take as they walk alone at night.
"...darkness is as protective as she is possessive. She wraps her arms tightly around our bodies, shielding us from the others' gaze, we become indistinguishable from each other and might even hide within a crowd. But darkness extends the same protective impulse towards the others as well, can we recognise then who poses a threat to us?"
In this audio-walk, participants accompany a female protagonist through a park area at dusk. She embodies the spirit of fictional and real women who claimed their freedom to wander, thus challenging the restrictions and conventions of their culture and time. The audio piece mixes narrative, text excerpts, music and field recordings. The sun sets while the participant walks, bringing out other qualities of this environment.
“Refusing to be the object of anyone’s gaze, she decides to walk into the park at the fall of night. Directly within the city, yet isolated from its busy streets. She enters this space with the intention of becoming completely invisible, merging with the surroundings in a strange half-absence of the body.”