
By J. R. Carpenter, 5 January, 2015
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This article proposes a new approach to literary hypertext, which foregrounds the notion of interrupting rather than that of linking. It also claims that, given the dialectic relationship of literature in print and digital-born literature, it may be useful to reread contemporary hypertext in light of a specific type of literature in print that equally foregrounds aspects of segmentation and discontinuity: serialized literature (i.e. texts published in installment form). Finally, it discusses the shift from spatial form to temporal form in postmodern writing as well as the basic difference between segment and fragment.

Pull Quotes

In what follows, we discuss five aspects of traditional installment writing, in order to see to what extent they may help remediate hypertext. We first present these aspects and identify the problem they hint at before giving a brief example that has recently implemented most of the “lessons” that can be learned from the installment tradition:
J.R. Carpenter’s in absentia (2008).

Creative Works referenced
By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

In this interview, Carlo Cinato, author of the hypertext novel L’uomo senza cappello e la donna con le scarpe grigie (The man without a hat and the woman with grey shoes) and curator of the blog Parolata, explains how he started getting interested in electronic literature and how he conceived his novel. Through the study of hypertextual and non sequencial books in printed form he discovered a new way of writing which was adaptable to the technical possibilities of the web and the ebooks. According to Cinato there are analogies between literary works of the print tradition and the digital tradition, but in particular the latter are characterised by the possibility of making a leap inside the text. The hypertextual structure alters the role of the reader, the materiality of the text, the way of reading and the way to write for an author. Moreover Cinato sees the writing of the novel as an experiment. It was an occasion to write by using one of the seven hypertext links he has pinpointed. In the end he explains in which way the hypertextual structure changes the way of reading and how it can be installed also in ebooks.

(Source: Interviewer's abstract)

Abstract (in original language)

In questa intervista Carlo Cinato, autore del romanzo ipertestuale L’uomo senza cappello e la donna con le scarpe grigie e curatore del blog Parolata, spiega come è nato l’interesse per la letteratura elettronica e di come ha concepito il suo romanzo. Attraverso lo studio di romanzi cartacei con strutture narrative ipertestuali e non sequenziali ha scoperto una nuova forma di scrittura che si adatta alle possibilità tecniche di internet e degli ebook. Secondo Cinato esistono varie analogie tra opere letterarie della tradizione a stampa e quella digitale, ma in particolare quest’ultima si contraddistingue per la possibilità di fare dei salti all’interno del testo. La struttura ipertestuale altera la il ruolo del lettore, la materialità del testo, il modo di lettura e il modo di scrivere di un autore. La stesura del romanzo è stata anche la prima occasione per provare a scrivere utilizzando uno dei sette tipi di link ipertestuali individuati da Cinato. Infine spiega come la struttura ipertestuale cambia la lettura e di come possa essere inserita anche negli ebook.

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 9 December, 2011
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

In this keynote, Baetens argues that the difference between print and digital literature is shrinking, because print literature has embraced the digital revolution. He proceeds to compare installment narrative to hypertext literature, looking at five aspects, where he finds that hypertext literature fails in relation to installment narrative.