literary system

By Patricia Tomaszek, 28 June, 2013
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

This study centers around computer–based literature and texts that are gen-erated by algorithmic means. It originates from the obvious deficiencies of thecategories used by literary and media scientists to classify and analyze theobject in question.The leading thesis is that current methods and theories substantially relyon but scarcly reflect a certain media–technology: the book. According tothis the study starts with the fundamental terms of computer science: storage,transmission and computation as the basic categories for analysing computerbased texts and literature.The chapter "‘Funktionen"’ explains these terms technically and correlatesthem with functions within the traditional “book–based” literary system. Thechapter "‘Formen"’ checks their scope concerning formal categorisation of se-lected examples. Presented are not only current hypertexts but also literaryCD–ROMs and text generating programs. The chapter "‘Theorien"’ looks onwell established literary theories and describes specific deficiencies as well asaffinities to the basic terms of computer science.  Source: author's abstract

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Im Zentrum dieser literaturwissenschaftlichen Studie stehen computerbasierteLiteratur und algorithmisch generierte Texte. Ausgangspunkt ist das offensicht-liche Ungenügen literatur– aber auch medienwissenschaftlicher Kategorien fürdie Klassifikation und Analyse dieses Gegenstandsbereichs.Die leitende These ist, daß die einschlägigen Methoden und Theorien we-sentlich aber weitgehend unreflektiert auf eine bestimmte Medientechnikre-kurrieren: das gebundene Buch. Dementsprechend setzt diese Arbeit die in-formatischen Grundbegriffe des Speicherns, Übertragens und Berechnens alsfundamentale Kategorien für die Analyse computerbasierter Texte und Litera-tur zugrunde.Im Kapitel „Funktionen“ werden diese Begriffe technisch expliziert und zuden Funktionen des traditionellen, um das Buch zentrierten Literatursystemsin Beziehung gesetzt. Das Kapitel „Formen“ überprüft die Mächtigkeit dieserDreiteilung für eine formale Kategorisierung einer Reihe ausgewählter Beispie-le. Vorgestellt werden nicht nur aktuelle Hypertexte, sondern auch Literatur–CDs und textgenerierende Programme. Das „Theorien“ sichtet beispielhafttraditionelle Literaturtheorien (Hermeneutik, Strukturalismus und Rezeptions-ästhetik) sowohl was ihre spezifischen Defizite mit den im zweiten Kapitel be-schriebenen Arbeiten angeht wie auch hinsichtlich ihrer spezifischen Affinitä-ten zu den informatischen Grundkategorien. Ein diskursanalytisch geprägtervermittelnder Ausblick beschließt die Arbeit. Source: author's abstract

By Patricia Tomaszek, 27 June, 2013
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This paper originates from a conference paper presented and published in the book collection OLE Officina di Letteratura Elettronica. The here presented paper publication appears with minor edits.German net literature had an early and very public start through competitions organized in 1996-8 by the major newspaper Die Zeit and IBM, but was declared dead or stillborn immediately afterwards. Consequently, net literature became a subject of controversy between artists, theorists, and literary critics from which not only a strong community evolved but also a literary system. In this system, competitions served as public, peer-reviewed mediators for net literature and became an important feature of “post-processing.” Since the end of the 90s however, German net literature became slowly invisible. The lack of public awareness of net literature is common to many countries. Post-processing is a key for public visibility and according to Siegfried J. Schmidt et al. an important component in a literary system. In search of reasons for the state of invisibility of German net literature, I analyze mechanisms of post-processing in our community, which I regard as a literary system. This descriptive synopsis is the first paper in an upcoming series that opens up questions towards the role of peer-review, public reception, and artists' community-building. 

Pull Quotes

At an early stage in the 90s, German net literature became a subject of a controversial debate between artists, theorists, and literary critics. A strong community evolved in which net literature was embedded in an infrastructure that made net literature publicly visible. Everything started with a call for a competition whose jury hardly defined what it was looking for; consequently, a critical study on terminologies and definitions unfolded. I regard competitions as public, peer-reviewed mediators for net literature. The advents of the German Pegasus-Award that launched in 1996 were of crucial importance for the community and its emerging field.

“It is remarkable that net literature in Germany has been stronger when its post-processing mechanisms were active: when juries from magazines called for submissions for an award in net literature. In Germany, prizes for works (of net literature) were awarded between 1996 and 1998 (Pegasus) and 1999 (Ettlinger Prize for Literature).

Critics are tasked with not only understanding a work of net literature but also with contextualizing, explaining, and critically discussing it. In Germany, critics from the literary tradition failed in giving an appropriate account to the new emerging field.

Nowadays, only occasionally competitions take place. The honored works are of quality but the impact of these competitions is low and does not reach many recipients. Additionally, there is (almost) no post-processing devoted to works of German net literature anymore. In fact, net literature in Germany became as invisible as its community.
