human mind

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Description (in English)

The narrator of Alan Bigelow's Cody in Love may well be the most human-seeming machine (or machine-like human) viewers will meet in their lifetimes, warrantied or not. In a piece that's made for the screen (as well as about the literal and figurative ones we live behind every day), form meets content as the viewer must make a choice: Take Cody's intimate confidences at face value, or peek behind the already threadbare curtain that casts shadows over the (pre-code) lovesick musings of a man-machine's inner life.


Description (in English)

Prosthesis is a set of live vocal performances addressing complicities inherent in the use of digital technology and emergent artificialities in cognition, language, and the physical body. It consists of nine main sections, including readings augmented by projections and recorded voice, and concludes with a song.

(Source: Author's site)

Screen shots
Audio file
Remote video URL
Technical notes

I did use code to write and shape parts of the Prosthesis text, but none of those programs were made publicly available at any point, or even named. They were more one-off algorithms I wrote to get particular compositional effects, rather than a platform I built out in a sustained way. They were mostly written in javascript, but could just as easily have been php or python or c. The animated texts that accompanied live performances (and that appear in some of the published digital versions of sections online) were all made with html / css / javascript.