
Description (in English)

Three eMac computers present three of Danish poet Per Højholt´s concrete poetry: Turbo, +1, and Punkter (Points). These celebrated poems were first written in 1968, 1969, and 1971 respectively. They focus on language play, and the visual forms of language, often at the expense of language meaning. Turbo, in particular, is considered a milestone in the history of Danish poetry. This installation, Turbo på ordet (Turbo on the Word), re-presents Højholt's poetic forms with Flash animation. In 2005, it was first unveiled at the Audatur festival for ny poesi (Audiatur Festival for New Poetry) in Bergen, Norway, and was subsequently set up at two libraries in Roskilde, Denmark in 2006.

Description in original language
Contributors note

There is no video documentation of this work. The URL provided shows only screen shots and gives an idea of the environments in which the installation was shown.