floppy disk

By Lene Tøftestuen, 24 May, 2021
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

I propose comparing methods of generating forensic images of 3.5 inch floppy disks in order to evaluate methodologies for use in media archeology labs. Many key works of electronic literature (including the bulk of Eastgate Systems, Inc. early publications) were released on 3.5 inch floppy media. I will use both Kyroflux and Superdrive floppy disk controller units to generate forensic images and also generate images using BitCurator suite of forensic software and using legacy computing hardware and software.Gathering data on the quality of images created by these disparate methods and also on the workflows involved and the ease and practicality of employing them will produce useful information for other media archeology labs examining how the field of floppy disk forensics has advanced.The results of these tests should show useful comparison data between the quality of the images created from identical media, the range of image types that can be created using each technique, and the usefulness for online access and emulation each forensic methodology and platform provides.

(Source: Author's own abstract)

Description (in English)

Text ‘n FX is a DJ mixer for text. It is a prototype machine developed in the 80’s for the emerging practice of Hip-Hop. Instead of a DJ mixing two records together, the designers of the device proposed the idea of a Text-Jockey (TJ). The TJ acted as a machine-assisted poet mashing up lyrics read from two floppy disks in real-time using statistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and cut-up techniques from experimental literature. The product never made it to market but it exists today as a media-archaeological curiosity.

(Source: ChercherLeTexte website)

Screen shots
Brendan Howell performs Txt'N'Fix at Le Cube Numerique, Paris, Sept 25th 2013
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Record Status
Description (in English)

An old 3.5" floppy disk found on a deserted road turns out to contain a disturbing narrative.

Screen shots
Technical notes

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