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The first part of this horror story about a series of identical houses is told in a series of emails received from Mark Condry, who has received a newspaper clipping in the mail describing a double murder and suicide committed by an old friend, Andrew. Mark decides to investigate, but disappears after sending a series of text messages from a house that may have changed Andrew completely. The second section of the story is told in a series of "updates" on the website with links to various blogs, with extensively interlinking comments.

Heisserer sold a version of the story to Warner Bros. in 2005.

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Vespers is an interactive fiction game written in 2005 by Jason Devlin that placed first at the 2005 Interactive Fiction Competition. It also won the XYZZY Awards for Best Game, Best NPCs, Best Setting, and Best Writing. Set in a 15th century Italian monastery, it is chiefly a horror-themed morality game, where the player takes moral decisions, which then affect the ending. However, whilst playing the game, it isn't obvious that these are moral dilemmas, and the game actively encourages the player to take the evil path.