computer narrative

By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 17 January, 2012
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Abstract (in English)

[Insert author's abstract here.]

Montfort introduced a new critical term, stanzory, which refers to "a unit of lines in a poem that is also a narrative with some sort of point."

Presented at the 2012 MLA Convention as part of the "730. New Media Narratives and Old Prose Fiction" panel, arranged by the Division on Prose Fiction. Other panelists included Dene Grigar and Joseph Tabbi. The moderator, filling in for Amy Elias, was Heather M. Houser.

Pull Quotes

stan’zor”y, n. [-ies, pl.] A unit of lines in a poem that is also a narrative with some sort of point.

By Scott Rettberg, 14 April, 2011
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

A group blog about computer narrative, games, poetry and art. From 2003-2009 operated as a collective effort on a single blog, now pulls conent from individual and institutional blogs of the contributors. Grand Text Auto also had two collective gallery shows of electronic literature and digital art, at the Beall Center for Arts and Technolgoy at UC Irvine (2007) and the Krannert Center at the University of Illnois (2009).