communication poetry

By Maya Zalbidea, 26 July, 2014
Public Domain
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

If TICs -which were already present in the 70s- register a growth in the 90s, from its digitization, reconfiguring the dynamics of mass communication. In the field of art all types of new phenomena are registered:, hacktivism, open source, bending, open hardware, collaborative works and actions promoted in the Web, they are presented, to some extent, as inheritors of the experimentations of the 60s.

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Si bien ya presentes desde la década del 70, las TIC (las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) registran un crecimiento exponencial en la década del 90 a partir de su digitalización, reconfigurando las dinámicas de la comunicación de masas. En el campo del arte se registran todo un conjunto de nuevos fenómenos:, hacktivismo, open source, bending, open hardware, obras colaborativas y acciones impulsadas a través de la Red que, en gran medida, se presentan como herederas de las experimentaciones de los años 60s.

Description (in English)

TypoLacing is the act of creating poetic alternatives from, and to, mistyped communication. These two works use [as their initial catalysts] easily recognisable phrases that have been mangled via typographical errors or misspellings. Those inital phrases are "Good Luck" and "Legions of Fans". Each work represent the permutations and possibilities inherent in online communicaton that goes awry.

Screen shots
"Go[d]d Luck" [TypoLacing, Version_1.0]
"Lesions of Fans" [TypoLacing, Version_2.0]