
By Cheryl Ball, 21 August, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
September 1995
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

"Broadly Multifarious and Completely Partial" list of hypertext fiction recommended by Carolyn Guertin

Creative Works referenced
Description (in English)

"Marginalia in the Library of Babel" presents a metafictional, metahypertextual narrative about one man's discovery of his ability to write in the margins of the Internet, to finally make his marks on the infinite network, marks that will ultimately lead to his erasure.

The piece is written through annotations written upon web pages archived from the Internet all related to Borges and the many implementations of his work, partial and abandoned though they be, that litter the Internet.

(Source: Author's description)

Screen shots
Technical notes

The piece is written in HTML with JavaScript annotations. All but the first web pages were saved from the Internet and re-uploaded to be archived with the piece.

Contributors note

Design and text, Mark C. Marino, Pop-up annotations, Keith Gustafson