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Urbanscrawl is an abstraction of everyday city life. Whilst we may be aware of some conversations that are happening around us, urbanscrawl seeks to trace the residue of digital conversations that pass by undetected.
SMS messaging enables people to participate regardless of location by texting a dedicated number. The visualisation picks these messages from the ether and uses them to construct a navigable 3D space surrounding the voyeur within a context which is simultaneously familiar but also completely alien...

(source: Vimeo)

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Description (in English)

This “tiny tale of tourism between bodies” is a poetic narrative about an alien being that teleports into a human body and what ensues. This poem is structured into 123 lines and 121 background images with titles, and allows readers to play through the work on a fairly rapid schedule or use arrows to navigate from line to line, image to image. Clicking on the screen repositions the text, which may allow readers to move the text to a more readable space on the photograph, but otherwise doesn’t seem to contribute much to the content. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

Description in original language
I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots