In this 2006 article Mark Tribe covers the origins of Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industry and contextualises some of the duo's artwork.
This document contains the report on a curricular unit for ‘Provas de Agregação’ in the area of Modern Languages and Literatures, in accordance with the provisions set in paragraph b) of Article 5 of Decree-Law 230/2007 of 19 June. 'Kinetic Poetry' is divided into three parts: (a) introductory contextualizing reflections on the research and teaching of electronic literature [pp. 9-23]; (b) detailed description of the course syllabus and of its teaching methodology, including semestral plans, class topics, and evaluation assignments [pp. 25-79]; (c) a final study on Jim Andrews, one of the algorithmic authors whose work is especially relevant for this seminar’s argument [pp.80-103]. This report contains a CD-ROM, DigLitWeb: Digital Literature Web, a pedagogical website that I have designed and maintained between 2005 and 2010 ( In terms of structure and content, DigLitWeb aims to integrate my research and teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. ‘C de Cinéticos/K for Kinetic’, one of the sections of DigLitWeb (, includes a survey of digital works that are part of the ‘Kinetic Poetry’ syllabus. Except for a bilingual introductory note, all text is written in English (cf. Article 18º of Decree-Law 230/2007 of 19 June). The use of English as language of instruction is a contribution to the international profile of the MA Program in Poetry and Poetics, recently established at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Coimbra. 10 ECTS credits have been allocated to the ‘Kinetic Poetry’ semestral course, with 3 weekly contact hours.
Este documento constitui o relatório sobre unidade curricular para efeitos de Provas de Agregação na área de Línguas e Literaturas Modernas1, de acordo com o estipulado na alínea b) do artigo 5º do Decreto-Lei 230/2007, de 19 de Junho. O relatório ‘Poesia Cinética’2 encontra-se dividido em três partes: (a) reflexões preliminares de contextualização da investigação e do ensino da literatura electrónica [pp. 9- 23]; (b) descrição detalhada dos conteúdos do programa e da metodologia de ensino, incluindo planificação semestral, tópicos de aula e exercícios de avaliação [pp. 25-79]; (c) um ensaio final sobre Jim Andrews, um dos autores algorítmicos estudados cuja obra é particularmente relevante para o argumento deste seminário [pp. 80-103]. Este relatório inclui ainda em anexo o CD-ROM DigLitWeb: Digital Literature Web, um sítio web pedagógico que desenhei e actualizei entre 2005 e 2010 ( A sua estrutura e conteúdo procuram integrar as minhas actividades de investigação e de ensino, tanto a nível graduado como pós-graduado. ‘C de Cinéticos/K for Kinetic’, uma das secções de DigLitWeb (, contém um levantamento anotado de obras digitais que fazem parte da unidade curricular sobre a qual incide o presente relatório. Com excepção da nota bilingue introdutória, todo o texto se encontra redigido em inglês (cf. Artigo 18º do Decreto-Lei 230/2007, de 19 de Junho). A leccionação em inglês é um contributo para o desejável perfil internacional do Mestrado em Poesia e Poética, recentemente criado na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.3 Ao seminário semestral ‘Poesia Cinética’, com uma carga lectiva de 3 horas semanais, estão atribuídos 10 ECTS.
(From the Website)
This website was created in February of 2008 to compliment the publication of N. Katherine Hayle's book, Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary. The website aims to provide additional resources to students and teachers of electronic literature. The site is divided into the following sections:
- Essays: Additional essays from various contributors. Topics expand on the ideas laid out by Hayles in Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary.
- Biographies: Brief biographies on the authors of the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1. Also includes links to the home pages of many of the authors.
- Resources: Miscellaneous resources meant for educators wishing to incorporate electronic literature into their curriculum. Includes sample syllabi from other educators and information on length and size of the works in the ELC 1.
- Blog: A blog from the creators of the website with information pertinent to the book and teaching electronic literature
- Forums: A message board designed for the discussion of topics covered inElectronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary
The resource was created together with Christopher Mott and Jacob Burch.
A Platform 2 Column published in Norwegian in Vagant as "Bokstaver i bevegelse, discussing works of kinetic poetry published in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2.
Published on the author's website in English as "Letters in Space, At Play."
Electronic literature doesn't come on bound, offset-printed pages. Keeping it on a shelf doesn't mean that it will be easy, or even possible, to read it in the future. Even putting it into a vault with controlled temperature, light, and humidity won't ensure its availability. The new possibilities of electronic literature come from its being as much software as document, as much machine as text. For electronic literature to be readable, its mechanisms must continue to operate or must be replaced, since changes in the context of computing will complicate access to important works of literature on the computer. The context of computing includes operating systems, applications, the network environment, and interface hardware — and this context is constantly evolving. A piece of electronic literature written for a Macintosh in the 1980s may be unreadable on the Macs in a college computer lab today. But e-lit can become unreadable much more quickly, as an upgrade to the next version of the authoring or reading software introduces unexpected problems. Some approaches to creating e-lit are more likely than others to result in work that is preservable. Acid-Free Bits provides information to help authors find ways to create long-lasting e-lit, ways that fit their practice and goals.
(Source: Acid Free Bits)
Extensive blog post in GrandTextAuto arguing that Christopher Strachey's love letter generator was in fact the first work of digital literature, with many references and quotations. A debate follows in the comments, for instance discussing the idea that the generator may be a form of anti-literature, a parody of literature.
Rob Wittig's 17 minute video lecture, recorded for a TEDx event at the University of Minnesota / Duluth, lays out some ideas about connections between the design of printed books and a particular idea of life in contemporary culture, in contrast to a model of life based on postmodern ideas of identity. He also references the context of literary history in considering the forms of literature that might be suited to a culture of multitasking and smart phones, at one point comparing Don Quixote to a contemporary gadget-obsessed digital native. The talk and accompanying slideshow provide a useful introduction to some important questions about the relationship between contemporary technologies and literary form.
The article, published in Norwegian in Vagant and in English as "Escaping the Prison House of Language: New Media Essays in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2" on the author's website, addresses the release of the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2, and several new media essays / documentaries published in the collection.