Catalan (Valencian)

Description (in English)

In Velo City typography and movement of the words connect with the messages and feelings expressed. It is a kinetic and hypertext poem, similar to El rumor de los álamos by Óscar Martín Centeno. The poem has been online since 2000 and is one of the first known poems of Spanish kinetic poetry. It follows the tradition of creationist poetry by Spanish poets like Juan Larrea and Gerardo Diego because of a new use of typography and emphasis on visual effects. Technology provides the interaction between reader and poet because of the messages that the author transmits to the reader who chooses hyperlinks and perceives the different degrees of excitation of the poet through the movements of letters as well as the directions where the poet wants to take the reader: rising (feeling joyful), falling down (descending to subconscious thoughts), choosing colored words and paths, leaving empty spaces between words (creating mystery, giving new meanings to words). (Source: Maya Zalbidea)

Screen shots
Description (in English)

"Epínome" is a rethorical figure that consists of repeating the same word, or change its position many times to give more emphasis to what is being said. Epinome is also a project by Lluís Calvo and Pedro Valdeolmillos, an anthology of cyberpoetry in which 30 works of electronic poetry and have been collected. In this work the font code and written text find their own way to connect with the materiality of the electronic work

Description (in original language)

Epínome es una figura retórica que consiste en repetir una misma palabra, o intercalarla X veces en una composición poética, para darle más enfásis a lo que se dice. Epínome es también el proyecto de Lluís Calvo y Pedro Valdeolmillos, una antología abierta de ciberpoesía, en la que además de sus obras, se reúnen 30 piezas de poesía electrónica y .net art.El trabajo de estos dos autores muestra como la sinergia del código fuente y del texto escrito va encontrado su propio camino para relacionarse con la materialidad de la obra electrónica.

Screen shots
Description (in English)

Tantderêves, a brief poem made with Flash animation, in which, in a background of lines of letters generating at a high speed there is a selection of those -in white-which are going to constitute the verses of a poem. The poet shares a dialogue with the machine, he asks him questions, and this answers with a verse by Paul Éluard: "Tant de rêves dans l'air". The multimedia format preserves perfectly the poetical content that Valdeolmillos intends to transmit, everything takes place in the screen in a background of harmony between typography, color and movement. A clear example of how to integrate the poetic word with a cybernetic machine.

Pull Quotes
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