
By June Hovdenakk, 5 October, 2018
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All Rights reserved
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Abstract (in English)

Una Muerte muy Dulce is the fourth autobiographical book of the French writer Simone de Beauvoir, was published in 1964 and narrates from a personal perspective the death of the author's mother, Françoise Brasseur.

It is recognized as one of the most important autobiographical books of De Beauvoir by the technique attached to literalness which presents the disease and death of the mother as a true experience full of moments that surprise because of its rawness

(source: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Una_muerte_muy_dulce)

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Una Muerte muy Dulce es el cuarto libro autobiográfico de la escritora francesa Simone de Beauvoir, fue publicado el año 1964 y narra desde una perspectiva personal la muerte de la madre de la autora, Françoise Brasseur.

Es reconocido como uno de los libros autobiográficos más importantes de De Beauvoir por la técnica apegada a la literalidad lo que presenta la enfermedad y muerte de la madre como una experiencia verídica cargada de momentos que sorprenden por su crudeza

(Source: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Una_muerte_muy_dulce)

By Chiara Agostinelli, 23 September, 2018
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
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Abstract (in English)

A story revealed by opening a character's eyes, pulling apart his memories and grasping his infinitely scrolling thoughts. Six years ago, James–a demolition expert–returned from the First Gulf War. Explore James' mind as his vision fails and his past collides with his present. This app delivers an iPad-based reading experience in the form of a book to watch and a film to touch. App is co-authored by Danny Cannizzaro and Samantha Gorman.

Source: WorldCat.com

By Piotr Marecki, 27 April, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

It is often said that the field of electronic literature is “author driven”. Many established e-literary artists produce their work on their own, publishing it on their personal website, promoting and often even writing interpretations themselves. This however is not the only model present in the global field of digital born literature. The poster is devoted to the Polish institution Korporacja Ha!art and the model of production of e-literature in Poland. The institution is an NGO that runs a professional publishing house, which has published over 500 traditional books, ebooks and audiobooks. It also runs a sort of laboratory for the production of digital born literature by the leading artists in the field in its area of the world. The producer activities of the institution also involve the publication of translations of classic first generation hypertexts (on CDs, which were distributed conventionally through bookstores) and second generation work accessible online. Apart from production itself, Korporacja Ha!art puts an emphasis on building context around the works: its organizes publicity, meetings, reading lessons and, finally, several conferences and a festival, during which works are premiered, presented and discussed. The aim of our poster is to present an analysis of the work model, financing strategies, distribution channels and creation of context around this kind of producer activity. The output is based on the analysis of documents, interviews with artists and producers and our own working practice. We will share the good production practices the organization has developed, and discuss aspects of the economy of the field in our local context. In doing so, we hope to introduce in to the study of electronic literature a new approach, borrowed from the methodology developed by John T. Caldwell in film studies. It is an approach centered around the study of what is called the production culture. Here, we shall apply it to the analysis of the field of production of works of digital literature.

By Piotr Marecki, 27 April, 2018
Publication Type
Public Domain
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Abstract (in English)

Renderings – a project devoted to the translation of e-lit works into English. The poster is devoted to the Renderings project established at MIT at the Trope Tank lab headed by Nick Montfort. As the project's website explains: "The Renderings project focuses on translating highly computational and otherwise unusual literature into English. [The participants] not only employ established literary translation techniques, but also consider how computation and language interact." The poster defines and explains basic terms and phenomena relevant to the project, like highly computational literature, expressive processing, and platform studies, and presents the specifics of chosen genres of electronic literature. It discusses the general principles of the project (organizational structure, languages, direction of the translation, types of works included) and the anatomy of chosen e-lit works. The main part of the poster is a step by step analysis of the translation process, which involves not only the level of text, familiar to literary translation, but also the way computational processes function and are programmed. The analysis draws from the methodology developed by the fields of code studies, platform studies and expressive processing. The poster is prepared collaboratively by the group of researches and translators affiliated with the Renderings project.

By Magnus Knustad, 20 March, 2018
Publication Type
CC Attribution Share Alike
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Abstract (in English)

An overview of the use of platform in creative works in Elmcip.
