
Short description

The Ha!wangarda Festival is geared towards promotion and presentation of avant-garde, experimental trends in global and Polish literature. Digital art presentations introducing the most significant works of electronic literature, generative literature workshops, exhibitions of video games based on literature and meetings with authors are the main features of the festival. It presents the diverse genres of digital literature, original approaches towards the book as a medium, and visual literature; it prioritizes writers who have freshly emerged onto the literary scene. On one hand, it maps current trends in experimental writing, and on the other it explores the question of the future of literature in the digital world.

(Source: festival website)

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Individual Organizers

United States

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Gig 1.0, the first ELO event that we organized shortly after the ELO's formation. It took place on December 11, 1999 in a loft above a warehouse in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood, the "Deadtech Gallery." The event included electronic literature, telepoetry, performance poetry, and musical performances, featuring Joseph Tabbi, The Unknown (Scott Rettberg, William Gillespie, Dirk Stratton), Kurt Eric Heintz, Roderick Coover, Rob Wittig, Robert Arellano, Paul Kotheimer, Anne Bargar, Newspoetry, and others.

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Vertical Gallery
St. Petersburg

Short description

The international mediapoetry festival 101. Memory Formatting will be held for the second time 13 April - 10 May 2016 in Saint-Petersburg. The name of the festival - 101- is a reference to the system of a binary code representing information with two binary digits 0 and 1. The festival investigates new language forms in digital age as well as the synthesis of art, poetry and media.

(Source: http://101english.tumblr.com/)


Description in Russian:
Международный фестиваль медиапоэзии 101. Форматирование памяти пройдет в Санкт-Петербурге во второй раз c 12 апреля по 7 мая 2016 г.

101 в названии отсылает к системе двоичного кода и представлению информации потоком 1 и 0. Фестиваль исследует новые формы языка в цифровую эпоху, синтез поэзии, искусства и медиа.

В этом году события 101 посвящены теме форматирования памяти.

Теоретические вопросы в когнитивном, социальном и антропологическом аспекте рассмотрит симпозиум «Total recall: память как застывшая информация?» (29-30 апреля, СПбГУ, факультет свободных искусств и наук).

Традиционная образовательная программа фестиваля пройдет в апреле на Новой сцене Александринского театра в рамках Лаборатории новых медиа.

В фестивале примут участие такие ученые, поэты и цифровые художники, как: Евгения Суслова, Павел Арсеньев, Дмитрий Голынко-Вольфсон, Илья Мартынов, Александр Ефремов, Дмитрий Шубин, Наталья Федорова, Иан Хатчер, Оттар Ормстад и многие другие.

Завершит фестиваль 30 апреля открытие выставки медиапоэтических работ «Форматирование памяти» в галерее “Вертикаль”.

(Source: http://101.ru.com/)

international mediapoetry festival 101
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Picking up the thread from last year’s conference, The End(s) of Electronic Literature, we chose the theme “New Horizons,”—that is, looking past current practices and ahead to future ones, with emphases on literary games, preservation, and new digital technologies.

The festival involves 27 works in the Exhibit, 13 Readings & Performances, four works in the Screenings, and five Sound Installations — for a total of 49 works. Caitlin Fisher, ELO 2016 Artistic Director, and her team of curators — Brenda Grell (Exhibit), Jim Andrews (Readings & Performances, Jim & Justine Bizzocchi (Screenings) and John Barber (Sound Installations and radioELO) have selected some excellent works involving mobile apps, AR/VR, robotics, video, net art, sound art, and other forms that reflect our theme.

The Artistic Director of the Festival is international artist, and Canada Research Chair at York University, Caitlin Fisher, whose research investigates the future of narrative through explorations of interactive storytelling and interactive cinema in Augmented Reality environments. She is co-founder of the University of York’s Future Cinema Lab. Working Fisher, are four curators:

  • Exhibit: Brenda Grell
  • Readings & Performances: Jim Andrews
  • Screenings: Jim Bizzocchi, Curator; Justine Bizzocchi, Producer
  • Sound Installations, John Barber
  • All events take place at the University of Victoria. The Exhibit is located in the Atrium of the MacLaurin Building; Readings & Performances, at Felicita’s; Screenings, at Cinecenta; and radioELO will provide live broadcast during the conference and festival from a station located in the MacLaurin Atrium.

    (Source: http://elo2016.com/festival/)

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    United Kingdom

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    Freaked out by spiralling revelations of NSA surveillance? Worried that the spooks have subverted the internet at every level to make it a vast, multi-layered panopticon? Or simply creeped out by the way services like Facebook & Gmail track everything you do so they can profile you for advertising?

    Whatever your paranoia, now is not the time to give up on the internet. It's time for a CryptoFestival! On November 30th we're coming together to build on the success of the CryptoParty movement and to reclaim our right to communicate and experiment on the internet.

    CryptoParties have taught thousands of people the basic ways of protecting themselves and their data from intrusive surveillance. London CryptoFestival will have skill-sharing sessions on how to have private conversations over instant messaging, how to encrypt emails, how to browse anonymously and how to reliably encrypt your hard disk amongst other things. It's peer-against-fear; the self-organised activity of people teaching each other essential privacy skills.

    But we aren't naïve enough to think crypto alone will save us. There's more to freedom than hiding, (and even crypto is being bent out of shape). Silicon Valley's stalking-based business model has merged with the GCHQ and the NSA's Eye of Sauron. The whole infrastructure is at risk of becoming an abuse machine. We don't care if it's the FBI behind the hijacked webcam or some other masturbatory misfit. An open and free internet is a core part of our social lives and our society and we want it back.

    Governments and corporations have shown themselves to be untrustworthy stewards of the internet. At CryptoFestival we'll look at practical alternatives; from metadata-stripping to mesh networks, from autonomous community wifi to the potential of the ex-TV whitespace spectrum. But we'll also discuss the forms of social solidarity and governance we need to sustain our global commons.

    Come and join us for workshops, stalls, lightening talks, longer addresses by international experts and more. Even better, add something of your own. If you or a group you're part of have something to share then please join in. Add stuff to this wiki and sign-up for regular updates on eventbrite.

    (Source: https://www.cryptoparty.in/london_cryptofestival)

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    Piksel is an annual event for artists and developers working with free and open source software, hardware and art. Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free and open source software.

    The development, and therefore use, of digital technology today is mainly controlled by multinational corporations. Despite the prospects of technology expanding the means of artistic expression, the commercial demands of the software industries severely limit them instead. Piksel is focusing on the open source movement as a strategy for regaining artistic control of the technology, but also a means to bring attention to the close connections between art, politics, technology and economy.

    The first Piksel event was arranged in november 2003, and gathered around 30 artists/developers from all parts of the world. It consisted of artistic/technical presentations, coding workshops and live performances. All activities were documented in a daily blog: http://www.piksel.no/log.html

    One of the results of the event was the initiation of the Piksel Technologies for ‘interoperability between various free software applications dealing with video manipulation techniques’ – piksel.org

    Piksel is a member of the Pixelache network of electronic art festivals – network.pixelache.ac – and one of the nodes in the Production Network for Electronic Art in Norway – PNEK

    (source: http://14.piksel.no/info/piksel)

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    Toronto ON

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    Pride Toronto is the not-for-profit organization that hosts an annual festival in downtown Toronto, which takes place each year during the last week of June.

    Pride Week celebrates our diverse sexual and gender identities, histories, cultures, creativities, families, friends and lives. It includes a three-day street festival with over eight stages of live entertainment, an extensive street fair (including community booths, vendors, food stalls), a special Family Pride program, a politically charged Dyke March, a Trans March and the famous Pride Parade.

    A ten day event, Pride Week is one of the premier arts and cultural festivals in Canada and one of the largest Pride celebrations in the world with an estimated attendance of over 1.2 million people. An award winning festival, Pride Week is one of only eight officially designated City of Toronto “Signature Events”, is recognized as one of the “Top 50 Festivals in Ontario” by Festivals and Events Ontario, was awarded the “Best Festival in Canada” award by the Canadian Special Event Industry two years in a row and received the “Best Arts & Culture Event” award for 2011.

    (source: http://www.pridetoronto.com/about/)

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