
Event type

United Kingdom

Short description

Freaked out by spiralling revelations of NSA surveillance? Worried that the spooks have subverted the internet at every level to make it a vast, multi-layered panopticon? Or simply creeped out by the way services like Facebook & Gmail track everything you do so they can profile you for advertising?

Whatever your paranoia, now is not the time to give up on the internet. It's time for a CryptoFestival! On November 30th we're coming together to build on the success of the CryptoParty movement and to reclaim our right to communicate and experiment on the internet.

CryptoParties have taught thousands of people the basic ways of protecting themselves and their data from intrusive surveillance. London CryptoFestival will have skill-sharing sessions on how to have private conversations over instant messaging, how to encrypt emails, how to browse anonymously and how to reliably encrypt your hard disk amongst other things. It's peer-against-fear; the self-organised activity of people teaching each other essential privacy skills.

But we aren't naïve enough to think crypto alone will save us. There's more to freedom than hiding, (and even crypto is being bent out of shape). Silicon Valley's stalking-based business model has merged with the GCHQ and the NSA's Eye of Sauron. The whole infrastructure is at risk of becoming an abuse machine. We don't care if it's the FBI behind the hijacked webcam or some other masturbatory misfit. An open and free internet is a core part of our social lives and our society and we want it back.

Governments and corporations have shown themselves to be untrustworthy stewards of the internet. At CryptoFestival we'll look at practical alternatives; from metadata-stripping to mesh networks, from autonomous community wifi to the potential of the ex-TV whitespace spectrum. But we'll also discuss the forms of social solidarity and governance we need to sustain our global commons.

Come and join us for workshops, stalls, lightening talks, longer addresses by international experts and more. Even better, add something of your own. If you or a group you're part of have something to share then please join in. Add stuff to this wiki and sign-up for regular updates on eventbrite.

(Source: https://www.cryptoparty.in/london_cryptofestival)

Record Status
By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 10 October, 2011
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Pull Quotes

Works of electronic literature that play a part in this comedy [of encryption] include those works that involve algorithm to tweak the text without necessarily making it entirely illegible.

Description (in English)

Searchsonata 181 is part of the SEARCH TRILOGY (search lutz!, 2006 - searchSongs, 2008 - searchSonata 181, 2011) that performes algorithmically generated texts. The consistency of this trilogy is the usage of words that are typed in real time into searchengines like Google & Co. These search terms are processed by algorithm for further use. In SearchSonata 181 search terms are processed into phonetics as an acoustic bridge between text and sound. The web interface is a means to an end. The essence emerges with a live performance of the algorithmically generated texts by a speaker. The texts are played back into real space: the message has to pass through the algorithm without getting caught there.

Description (in original language)

Die SearchSonata 181 ist der letzte Teil der SEARCH TRILOGIE (search lutz!, 2006 - searchSongs, 2008 - searchSonata 181, 2011), die algorithmisch generierte Texte aufführt. Konstante dieser Trilogie ist die Verwendung von Worten, die gerade in Suchmaschinen wie Google & Co. eingegeben werden. Diese Suchworte werden algorithmisch verarbeitet. Im ersten Teil, bei searchLutz!, zu Texten, im zweiten, bei searchSongs, zu Tönen und im letzten, der searchSonata 181, zu Lauten, die ja die akustische Brücke bilden zwischen Text und Ton. Das Webinterface der searchSonata 181 ist nur Mittel zum Zweck. Das Eigentliche entsteht, wenn die algorithmisch generierten Texte live durch eine Sprecherin performt werden. Die Botschaft muss durch den Algorithmus hindurch, ohne dort hängen zu bleiben.

Description in original language
I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Searchsonata 181 (Web Interface)
Searchsonata 181 (Web Interface with Sound Output)
Searchsonata 181 (Performed at Filmwinter Stuttgart, January 2011)
Remote video URL
Remote video URL
Contributors note