Event Series

Short description

The ADHO organizes and sponsors an annual conference. The first joint conference was held in 1989, at the University of Toronto--but that was the 16th annual meeting of ALLC, and the ninth annual meeting of the ACH-sponsored International Conference on Computers and the Humanities (ICCH). Since then, the conference has grown to include other organizations and it has been held (or will be held) in the following locations:

  • University of Western Sydney, Australia (2015): CFP
  • University of Lausanne - EPFL, Switzerland (2014)
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (2013)
  • University of Hamburg, Germany (2012)
  • Stanford University, USA (2011)
  • King's College London, UK (2010)
  • University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland (2009)
  • University of Oulu, Finland (2008)
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2007)
  • The Sorbonne, Paris, France (2006)
  • University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (2005)
  • Goteborg University, Sweden (2004)
  • University of Georgia, USA (2003)
  • University of Tubingen, Germany (2002)
  • New York University, USA (2001)
  • University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (2000)
  • University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA (1999)
  • Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary (1998)
  • Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (1997)
  • University of Bergen, Norway (1996)
  • University of California, Santa Barbara, California (1995)
  • The Sorbonne, Paris, France (1994)
  • Georgetown University, Washington, DC (1993)
  • Oxford University, Oxford, England (1992)
  • Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (1991)
  • University of Siegen, Germany (1990)

ACH hosts a searchable XML collection of abstracts from previous conferences; if you are planning to submit an abstract for a future conference, you may want to consult this collection. Note that the collection does not yet contain all past abstracts, but additional years will be added from time to time. Also, be advised that more recent abstracts are probably a better guide to current practice than older ones might be.

(Source: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations website)

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The first "Unspeakable Practices" festival, in 1988, was a gathering of the postmodernist generation at the time of the retirement of Professor John Hawkes. The second was a 1993 encounter between print and electronic writers during the pioneer days of hypertext fiction.
The third featured a discussion on literary hypertext.

Source: Festival Announcement, Brown University

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"Nynorsk i 140" is a Twitter competition. Poetry and short stories are submitted in form of Twitter's 140 characters, with hashtag #nynov

Six rounds of competition with a chosen winner for each round. About 3000 entries in total, from about 500 writers.

Deichmanske Library in Oslo is the project manager and have made this contest possible with funding from the organisation "Fritt Ord" and "Språkåret 2013".

These are the different themes for each round, and number of contributions received:

1 -Vår (spring, ours) (over 500 contributions)
2 -Lyst (light, lust) (350 contributions)
3 -Tre (tree, three) (over 500 contributions)
4 -Bar (bar,naked) (over 600 contributions)
5 -Frisk (fresh, healthy) (428 contributions)
6 -Ende (end, butt) (570 contributions)

These are the winners and their stories:

Round 1 winner: Stig Hjelmeland
@SHjelmeland "Geronimo vaknar. Tøyfotballsko. Turr mark. Tommahåkken frå i fjor vår. Hamrebygdarar mot nabbenesarar. Berre vent til det mørknar."
(Geronimo awakens. Sneakers. Dry field. The Tomahawk from last spring. Hamrebygdings against Nabbenesings. Just wait until it gets dark.)

Round 2 winner: Nora B. Jenssen
@norabj "Det blei endeleg lyst i kupeen, og han fekk sjå ho som hadde kvilt seg så godt mot aksla hans gjennom to land i natta."
(There was finally light in the coupé, and he got to see she who had rested so comfortably against his shoulder through two countries during the night.)

Round 3 winner: Magne Velle
@mvelle "Det gjekk eit sus gjennom skogen då to av tretoppane barka saman. Heldigvis var det berre vinden som spela dei eit pust."
(There was a whisper in the forest when two of the treetops barked at each other. Fortunately, it was only the wind howling.)

Round 4 winner Eline Stien
@elinestien "Dei bar kista saman. Ein på kvar side og sonen i midten. Aldri skulle dei bere så tungt igjen. Aldri skulle dei bere noko saman."
(They carried the coffin together. One by each side, and the son in the middle. Never would they carry so heavy again. Never would they carry anything together.)

Round 5 winner: Kjersti G. Andersen
@grammany "Vinden bles friskt på havet den dagen han forsvann. Likevel finn ho trøyst i vinden. I den er pusten hans gøymd, kjærteikna òg."
(A fresh wind blew at sea the day he disappeared. Still she finds comfort in the wind. In it, his breath is hidden, his caresses too.)

Round 6 winner: Jens Petter Kollhøj
@jepeko "Eg sjekkar dekka. Mørke. Regn. Vind. Frost. Midt i den svarte elva flakkar ei gravemaskin med lysa. Eg sit på bussen. Svingen kjem."
(I'm checking the tires. Darkness. Rain. Wind. Frost. In the middle of the black river, an excavator flashes its lights. I'm sitting on the bus. The road turns.)

Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140's webpage 18th of october 2013
Screenshot from Nynov140 at Twitter
Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140 at Twitter showing screens with poems in the library
Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140 at Twitter showing screens with poems in the library shelf
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round one.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round two.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round three.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round four.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round five.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round six.
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The 2013/2014 Digital Arena Electronic Literature Reading Seriesproduced by the University of Bergen Digital Culture Program and the Bergen Public Library

Events are streamed at http://bambuser.com/channel/bergenbibliotek or can be accessed at http://vimeo.com/ELMCIP

Friday, August 9th, 6-9PM -- Creative Collaborations in New MediaAn evening of talks, performances and screenings from American authors and artists who produce collaborative, cross-medial narratives in new media, ranging from Netprovs that unfold on Twitter, to video/fiction hybrids that recombine as database narratives, to subversive performances in massively multiplayer online games. Featuring Rob Wittig and Joellyn Rock (Duluth, Minnesota), Roderick Coover (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Sandy Baldwin (Morgantown, Virginia), Scott Rettberg and Jill Walker Rettberg (Bergen).

Monday, August 19th -- 10AM to 4PM, 7-8:30PM -- Visualizing Electronic LiteratureThis event will be a seminar focused on database visualization the research domain of electronic literature. Featured speakers, including keynote speaker Kurt Fendt, professor of Comparative Media Studies at MIT, will address various research aspects of digital humanities databases, information visualization as research and visualization as art practice. During the evening session, artist and author Judd Morrissey, associate professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, will give a performance from his digital literary works, which often involve literary databases, performance, and visualization. Author's site: http://www.judisdaid.com

Tuesday, September 10th -- 7-9PM -- Machine Libertine"Our aim is to liberate machines." An evening of performance video poetry produced via a hybrid of human intelligence and the voice of the machine with Natalia Fedorova and Taras Mashtalir (St. Petersburg, Russia). Project site: http://machinelibertine.wordpress.com/

Tuesday, October 8th -- 7-9PM -- Walking and Mapping: Artists as CartographersA reading and lecture by Karen O'Rourke, artist and MIT Press author (Paris, France). In Walking and Mapping, Karen O’Rourke explores a series of walking/mapping projects by contemporary artists. Some chart “emotional GPS”; some use GPS for creating “datascapes” while others use their legs to do “speculative mapping.” Author's site: http://korourke.pagesperso-orange.fr/

Tuesday, November 12th -- 7-9PM -- Nordic Landscapes and Digital PoeticsA reading of "Väljarna/Elect" and other works of digital fiction and poetry by Johannes Heldén (Stockholm, Sweden). As the editors of the ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature attest, Helden's visually striking works explore "the defamiliarization and double nature of poetic language, in a new media form." Author's site: http://www.johanneshelden.com/

Tuesday, December 10th -- 7-9PM -- Ephemeral MigrationsAlexandra Saemmer (Germany/France) produces evocative works such as "Böhmische Dörfer" and "Tramway" that explore the lability of the digital device even as they interrogate the terrain of alternately ephemeral and persistent personal and cultural memory. Author's site: http://www.mandelbrot.fr

Tuesday, March 4th 2014--7-9pm--The Phlegmatic Radio OperatorTalan Memmott: From sonnets constructed through Google searches, to decontextualized Wikipedia entries and combinatoric poetry, The Phlegmatic Radio Operator is an exploration of Internet and computationally based writing methods. The performance combines readings of various works with a discussion of the methods and how they connect with digital culture.

Tuesday, April 1st 2014--7-9pm--a yellow y in motionOttar Ormstad speaks about his printed works and shows his experimental films. He is known for yellow letters and y's that perform to image and music in motion. The presentation comes along with a lecture "From Print to Kinetic Visual Poetry" by PhD Scholar Patricia Tomaszek (University of Bergen) who demonstrates how Ormstad's print-based work intrinsically implies motion.


The Fall 2014 Digital Arena Electronic Literature Reading Series
produced by the University of Bergen Digital Culture Program and the Bergen Public Library

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The individuals who comprise the PCA/ACA are a group of scholars and enthusiasts who study popular culture. The PCA/ACA offers a venue to come together and share ideas and interests about the field or about a particular subject within the field. It also provides publication opportunities and sponsors the PCA/ACA Endowment.

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Живая энциклопедия петербургского искусства последних двадцати лет.
в силу самой идеи групповой выставки художников разных направлений,
если повезет,
в цельное мозаичное панно.
Открытие выставки 17 января в 19 часов

Художники: Евгений Антуфьев, София Азархи, Юрий Александров, Александр Белов, Людмила Белова, Петр Белый, Игорь Брякилев, Ирина Васильева, Алексей Варсопко, Катарина Венцль, Дмитрий Виленский, Константин Водяницкий, Илья Гапонов, Василий Голубев, Андрей Горбунов, Илья Гришаев, Сергей Денисов, Вадим Драпкин, Ирина Дрозд, Денис Егельский, Олег Зайка, Евгений Залманов, Владимир Козин, Марина Колдобская, Алексей Кострома, Олег Котельников, Боб Кошелохов, Виктор Кузнецов, Владимир Лило, Владислав Мамышев-Монро, Олег Маслов, Алексей Митин, Артур Молев, Александр Морозов, Тимур Новиков, Светлана Носова, Иван Оласюк, Илья Орлов, Игорь Орлов, Дмитрий Пиликин, Александр Подобед, Иван Плющ, Андрей Рудьев, Татьяна Сергеева, Иван Сотников, Александр Теребенин, Олег Хвостов, Иван Химин, Антон Хлабов, Андрей Хлобыстин, Кирилл Хрусталев, Иван Чечот, Алексей Чистяков, Олег Шагапов, Петр Швецов, Юрий Штапаков, Дмитрий Шубин, Андрей Юрьев

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Short description

CYBERFEST is the first and only Russian International festival for cybernetic art (which combines living, biological and somatic substances with computational and technical), held annually since 2007.

This year the festival is attended by more than 80 artists and art professionals from 20 countries (Russia, France, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Germany, Austria, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine , Philippines, etc.), and the program includes:

— an exhibition (of media objects and media installations);
— live performances;
— sound and video art programs;
— an educational program (with lectures, workshops, master classes);
— an Internet conference;
— a concert.

Record Status