Digital Humanities

Event type
Short description

The ADHO organizes and sponsors an annual conference. The first joint conference was held in 1989, at the University of Toronto--but that was the 16th annual meeting of ALLC, and the ninth annual meeting of the ACH-sponsored International Conference on Computers and the Humanities (ICCH). Since then, the conference has grown to include other organizations and it has been held (or will be held) in the following locations:

  • University of Western Sydney, Australia (2015): CFP
  • University of Lausanne - EPFL, Switzerland (2014)
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (2013)
  • University of Hamburg, Germany (2012)
  • Stanford University, USA (2011)
  • King's College London, UK (2010)
  • University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland (2009)
  • University of Oulu, Finland (2008)
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2007)
  • The Sorbonne, Paris, France (2006)
  • University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (2005)
  • Goteborg University, Sweden (2004)
  • University of Georgia, USA (2003)
  • University of Tubingen, Germany (2002)
  • New York University, USA (2001)
  • University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (2000)
  • University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA (1999)
  • Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary (1998)
  • Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (1997)
  • University of Bergen, Norway (1996)
  • University of California, Santa Barbara, California (1995)
  • The Sorbonne, Paris, France (1994)
  • Georgetown University, Washington, DC (1993)
  • Oxford University, Oxford, England (1992)
  • Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (1991)
  • University of Siegen, Germany (1990)

ACH hosts a searchable XML collection of abstracts from previous conferences; if you are planning to submit an abstract for a future conference, you may want to consult this collection. Note that the collection does not yet contain all past abstracts, but additional years will be added from time to time. Also, be advised that more recent abstracts are probably a better guide to current practice than older ones might be.

(Source: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations website)

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