word cloud

Description (in English)

Rea and the Squaw is a kinetic poetry piece I created three months after my Grandma Rea died at the age of 96 on December 18, 2012. When she died, I was left with: memories, some pictures, and pages and pages of her unpublished and published poetry. So I began to dissect her poetry, dissect each word. And then I couldn’t stop. I wanted to mold her words, shift them, strain them. I wanted to understand where these words could be cornered, shaped, and colored. I cherished them, chained them, tamed, and mazed them. I sized and seized them. Who was this woman? How has she influenced who I am as a person? As a poet? The words on the digital interface are hers, and the particular shaping, movement, and coloring of the words is proof that I’ve traversed them.

(Source: ELO conference: First Encounters 2014)

Screen shots
Description (in English)

written in java this applet gets a lot of rss feeds (in the french zone) in real time and composes, in real time also and as a work in progress, with them visual poems; each of the results are exported to my local computer in order to finally get, at the end of the 2013 year, some kind of archive of the "news" by which we are invaded each day---- and that we very often forget the day after! - it 's a kind of work about our "media-collective-memory". The words are treated in relationship with frequency in the news: the biggest are the most frequents. But not allways the most importants...

Description (in original language)

Ecrit en java cet applet récupère en temps réel dans la zone française un ensemble de flux RSS liés à l'actualité politique et sociale A partir de ce matériau et en temps réel il en génère des "poèmes visuels"; chacun des résultats est en même temps téléchargé sous forme d'image sur un site local en sorte qu'une archive se constitue progressivement une archive des "nouvelles" par lesquelles nous sommes chaque jour submergés. Et que nous nous empressons d'oublier le lendemain...! C'est donc une sorte de travail à propos de la "mémoire des medias". Les mots sont traités en fonction de leur fréquence: la taille est proportionnelle à celle-ci. Bien qu'en vérité les mots les plus fréquents ne soient pas toujours les plus importants.