everyday life

Description (in English)

Coronation is a webcomic created by the Marino family using digital tools and platforms to document our experience of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Since the beginning of the lockdown and the various homestay orders in Los Angeles, we have been creating and publishing one comic per day, five days a week, using a combination of digital tools, specifically filters and graphics applications. Images include photographs from our family albums, screenshots and downloads from Internet-based news sources, as well as original hand-drawn images created using digital tools. As the pandemic continues to sweep the globe, Coronation documents one family’s experience of the ups and downs of the Corona virus and the surrounding times, including the 2020 US Election and its ensuing drama and the Black Lives Matter protests. The comics are profoundly domestic and yet reflective of a global crisis, focusing on intimate family moments, transformed through digital tools into a visual expression of the ongoing homestay during a time of turmoil. As we craft these together, the webcomic has been a way for our family to take this time of chaos and to respond creatively and collaboratively by reflecting on the life in one household. We try to frame our experience with humor, sensitivity, and a medicine that is in quite short supply, hope.Unlike previous pandemics, such as polio, HIV, and the Spanish flu, COVID-19 has emerged at a moment of tremendous digital connectivity. However, the news and social media feeds have created so-called doom scrolling. We have used the digital tools and platforms available to us to rapidly document events, to transform them into comics, and to share them online with a broader world, inviting them into our homestay as we share our climbs and falls, confusion and epiphanies, all born of some unexpected family time.Although our main platforms for distribution are electronic, we have also been producing individual hand-made print versions as well.

(Source: Author's abstract)

a webcomic born during the Coronavirus outbreakand subsequent social isolation of 2020,written by me with my family.

(Author's description)

Screen shots
Sample page of webcomic
Sample page of webcomic
Remote video URL
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Description (in English)

Urbanscrawl is an abstraction of everyday city life. Whilst we may be aware of some conversations that are happening around us, urbanscrawl seeks to trace the residue of digital conversations that pass by undetected.
SMS messaging enables people to participate regardless of location by texting a dedicated number. The visualisation picks these messages from the ether and uses them to construct a navigable 3D space surrounding the voyeur within a context which is simultaneously familiar but also completely alien...

(source: Vimeo)

Remote video URL
Content type
Record Status
Description (in original language)

Das Museum hat keinen festen Ort mehr, jeder Ort kann Heimatmuseum sein, wenn man ihn dazu erklärt. Ein Cafe, eine Straße, ein U-Bahn Wagon, ein leerer Kinosaal. Die Exponate dieses Heimatmuseums sind die Dinge unseres Alltags. Es geht darum, Wahrnehmungen zu schärfen, Übersehenes ins Bewußtsein zu rücken, den Dingen einen Stempel aufzudrücken. Es geht um die Suche nach Heimat, um Fragen wie: Was kann heute Heimat sein? Welche Umstände, Situationen, Sinneseindrücke vermitteln uns Heimatgefühle? Wie lässt sich in dieser globalisierten Welt Heimat lokalisieren? Die Besucher und Besucherinnen des HEIM@MUSEUMs jedoch sind die eigentlichen Ausstellungsmacher. An verschiedenen Orten in München und im Internet lagen Fragebögen zum Ausfüllen bereit. Mit dem ausgefüllten Fragebogen wurde ein Exponat zur Verfügung gestellt: ein öffentlicher Ort in der Stadt. Dieser Ort wurde anschließend aufgesucht, abgelichtet und beschrieben und so als Exponat ins Internet gestellt. Fragen 1. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit? 2. Führen Sie Gespräche mit Unbekannten? 3. Fühlen Sie sich in diesem Land zu Hause? 4. Fühlen Sie sich in dieser Stadt zu Hause? 5. Fühlen Sie sich in Ihrer Haut zu Hause? 6. Hatten Sie Heimweh, wenn ja, wann das letzte mal? 8. Wenn Heimat ein Buch wäre, welches? 9. Haben Sie heute bereits einen Blick in den Himmel gewagt? 10. Welche Farbe?

Description in original language