
By Ole Samdal, 24 November, 2019
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Florence’s presentation explores how the “espacement” (Mallarme, Derrida) intrinsic to all writing changes in a born-digital context.

The essay is a poetic exploration of how digital writing and reading operate in a new dynamic, exploring existing pathways and structures, innovatively correlated. But this simple change in relations - this new dynamic - does something further. Not only does digital reading/writing make visible and active existing structures of reading and language, it also creates new ones

Description (in English)

Created in 1995 and developed until 1997, Hypertextual Consciousness is a work of "online critifiction", another conceptual art experiment that tackled many of the themes/issues that Amerika found prescient during the course of developing GRAMMATRON.

Source: Author's abstract

Pull Quotes

"When writing for the more fluid fields of cyberspace,I found that fiction, faction, and nonfiction, all began to blur, and that theoretical concepts could easily be morphed into concept-characters whose computer programmed behaviors fed into a fictionalization process that made the act of writing theory feel much more like a narratively-driven form of hyperrhetoric."