cloud computing

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978 1 910010 15 0
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Description (in English)

The Gathering Cloud collates research into the history and language of meteorology with current thinking about data storage and climate change. Archival material from the Met Office Archive and Library in Exeter has been studied and sifted, along with classical, medieval, and Victorian sources, including, in particular, Luke Howard’s classic essay On the Modifications of Clouds, first published in 1803.

This research material is presented as a sequence of texts and images, acting both as a primer to the ideas behind the project and as a document of its movement between formats, from the data centre to the illuminated screen, from the live performance to the printed page. In his foreword media theorist Jussi Parikka describes the work as “a series of material transformations made visible through a media history executed as digital collage and print publication, hendecasyllabic verse, and critical essay”.

This work won the New Media Writing Prize 2016.


Part of another work
Pull Quotes

The Cloud is an airily deceptive name connoting a floating world far removed from the physical realities of data.

An estimated 1.8 trillion gigabytes of digital information are created and stored globally each year by ordinary consumers with no sense that data is physical and storing it has a direct impact on the environment.

Screen shots
Description (in English)

This hybrid print- and web-based work work aims to address the environmental impact of so-called ‘cloud’ computing through the oblique strategy of calling attention to the materiality of the clouds in the sky. Both are commonly perceived to be infinite resources, at once vast and immaterial; both, decidedly, are not. Fragments from Luke Howard’s classic “Essay on the Modifications of Clouds” (1803) as well as more recent online articles and books on media and the environment are pared down into hyptertextual hendecasyllabic verses. These are situated within surreal animated gif collages composed of images materially appropriated from publicly accessible cloud storage services. The cognitive dissonance between the cultural fantasy of cloud storage and the hard facts of its environmental impact is bridged, in part, through the constant evocation of animals: A cumulus cloud weighs one hundred elephants. A USB fish swims through a cloud of cables. Four million cute cat pics are shared each day. A small print iteration of “The Gathering Cloud” shared through gift, trade, mail art, and small press economies further confuses boundaries between physical and digital, scarcity and waste. (Source: Author's description)

Part of another work
Pull Quotes

The Cloud is an airily deceptive name connoting a floating world far removed from the physical realities of data.

The fog comes on cute pics of little cat feet. Four million feline photos are shared each day. #lolcats track carbon footprints across The Cloud.

We walk on the bed of the sea of the air.

Screen shots
Technical notes

This work will not work fully on phones or tablets. Best viewed on laptops or desktops.

By Audun Andreassen, 10 April, 2013
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

"Cloud Computing" is a rather foggy notion, according to which the World Wide Web will be increasingly seen as a platform where not only information, but also different kinds of services and applications will become immediately available, as if coming out of an undifferentiated, nebular space. People will rely less on the software installed on their personal computers, and more on whatever is usable online.