academic remixing

By Hannah Ackermans, 18 September, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

"What is a book?" This is the question the text starts of with and the question the text circles around, exploring the material basis of reading and writing. Parallel to the theoretical examination and anecdotal reference to the history of the written word, the author positions a post-apocalyptic fiction about the last reader.

By tye042, 25 September, 2017
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

As I thread my way through ebr, I touch base with the artificial intelligentsia that my work circulates in. The artificial intelligentsia is an internetworked intelligence that consists of all the linked data being distributed in cyberspace at any given time, one that is powered by artistic- intellectual agents remixing the flow of contemporary thought.

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This DJ/VJ writing style makes way for a kind of critical overwriting that, at its core, is underwritten by the creative unconscious.

Think of it as a mash-up of open content, social software, critical media literacy, and manifest hackerdom.