
By Luciana Gattass, 7 December, 2012
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Abstract (in English)

The focus of many of my generative poetic artworks is identity. These works address this theme through the use of interactive systems, where the relationship between the viewer and the artwork is explicit and active. This act of interaction functions to raise questions concerning being and, through the process of communication, the linguistic foundations of identity.

Abstract (in original language)

O foco de muitos dos meus trabalhos de arte poética generativa é identidade. Estas obras abordam este tema pelo uso de sistemas interativos, onde o relacionamento entre o espectador e a obra de arte é explicita e ativa. Este ato de interação serve para levantar questões sobre a existência e, através do processo de comunicação, sobre os fundamentos da identidade.

Pull Quotes

Reading a text can thus be regarded as a psycho-social act, where readers are concerned with their own constitution and differentiation, as social beings, through the treatment of the author as an avatar or equivalent symbolic deployment as imagined other. In this respect the function of reading can be regarded as congruent with the instantiation of a text determined through reading (by the reader) with the author fulfilling a role not as an actual other, with independent intent, but as an internalised other that the reader employs to establish an internal voice. This process of internalised differentiation can thus be seen as part of a process of individuation and an assumption of responsibility, by the reader, of the bringing into being of the text. This process is self-affirming and functions to enhance a subjective sense of self.